ounce of MDMA


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhh I wasn't calculating anything when I assumed the whole boat parade. But when you put it in those terms...an ounce of pure for 750 aint all that great. I'd say an even 6 would be fantastic. Here in cali. I get pills nearly as good as pure for about 4 dollars a pop when I purchase 1 bill worth.

And you say their is a vendor who sells crystal mdma...do I ever wish I could run into some of that. That's what I'm talking about...the rc inner circle!


Well-Known Member
Someone offered me an O of MDMA about a year ago for 200$ I live in ONtario. That was probably a one-time price but where I live it isnt worth much more.


Well-Known Member
i hear everything from $1300 - 2300 around here. rarely is it uncut though, quality has actually gone WAY down lately.


Well-Known Member
Oh I believe it. But there is big prophet for something that goes so fast. Even if you were paying 2000...you can still double prophets and then some..I just say double because a good amount would be in my belly.


Well-Known Member
Now 450 for 100 hits is a rip. lol.
I agree your getting ripped off, not to sure on the prices and availability but here in oregon i can get 100 hits for 150, then flip that for 1000. Pay 1.5/hit, sell at 10/hit. Thats hustlin!!


If someone you don't really trust is trying to sell you an O of molly you're probably in for an unpleasant surprise.When I buy pure molly from manufacturers (no clandestine shit, this guy has a PhD), my man usually runs it for about 20 a gram, depending on how much I need. As for acid, you should find out if its ergot or LSA based, you don't want to get it if it's LSA based as they're weak doses and the trip isn't as good.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If someone you don't really trust is trying to sell you an O of molly you're probably in for an unpleasant surprise.When I buy pure molly from manufacturers (no clandestine shit, this guy has a PhD), my man usually runs it for about 20 a gram, depending on how much I need. As for acid, you should find out if its ergot or LSA based, you don't want to get it if it's LSA based as they're weak doses and the trip isn't as good.
lol I will call bullshit.

If you're 'manufacturer' has a PhD (I would imagine chem or biochem?), why did he inform you that you can produce LSD-25 via LSA? LSA is d-lysergic acid amide, now please, how does one separate LSA from the other present lysergamides?

LSD is synthesized using D-lysergic acid, produced via ergot, to the best of my knowledge it is not possible via LSA.

RC Maniac

New Member
Ergine is a precursor to LSD. Ergotamine is a precursor to LSD. Ergometrine is likely a precursor. Not getting all technical, you make lysergic acid from these chemicals then you make the LSD from that. Correct Shepj?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Ergine is a precursor to LSD. Ergotamine is a precursor to LSD. Ergometrine is likely a precursor. Not getting all technical, you make lysergic acid from these chemicals then you make the LSD from that. Correct Shepj?
Yeah I'm sure you could use quite a few of the lysergamides and still come out with D-lysergic acid.

But yeah pretty much:

lysergamide -> D-lysergic acid
D-Lysergic acid -> (way down the road) Lysergic acid diethylamide-25