Well this question really depends. I always test my products before wholesale. But figure it like this 50$ for a 1/8 (3.5g). 100$ for a 1/4, (7g). 200$ for a 1/2, (14g)., and last but not least, 400$ for a oz.
This is in the States mind you......
If somebody wants to buy a whole zone I usually only charge 300$ depending on how good the weed actually is....
This question all depends on economics!!!!!!! How do, supply and demand co-exist in your area?
I used to sell shwag.....I used to charge people 20$ for 4.5 grams in the grove, but would have had to sell 6 grams in the Cities to make 20$......
So who are you sellng to?
Friends or Fiends????
Plus it also depends on how good at business you are....Do you high-ball? Low-Ball, and how willing are you to tell people to go fuck themselves and wait for a buyer that will commit to higher prices. Me personally I have never paid more than 300$for an ounce, but I have charged people as much as 500$.....I always make something up for a reason to charge more.
I noticed that my friends don't come around as much when I don't have weed....
Im cold blooded!!!! Friends barely get a discount unless they contribute to the operation... I will smoke with them all day but requirement for my friendship requires that you keep your hands out of my pockets!!!!
I don't know what else to tell you if your from a place where weed is legal your probably better off trying to sell to people in the states....OH yeah right now I am growing.....rhino' strains and ice strains because the final product looks so delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus the rhino is fast flowering and short and bushy the way I like it!!!!!!!