Ouch, my first ever run in with root rot

Hydrogen Peroxide in small amounts in your water to prevent root rot. It is an oxidizer. It strips slime and fungus from the roots by oxidizing the cell membrane of the "bug" effectively ending its miserable life. It will NOT harm living tissue in roots. H2O2. From Walgreens.

Cooler res temps help keep the bad crap away. Bacteria need 3 things to survive and thrive - warmth, moisture and darkness. Guess what we supply? All 3. In abundance. SMALL amounts of copper tox from a veterinary supply (used to treat thrush - a fungus - on horses hooves) can help keep fungus controlled.
I usuaally use H2O2 as well. I buy it from the hydro supply store though, its more concentrated so you only have to use 3-5 mil per gallon. I usually use 3 or so, although I haven't been using it regularly these days like I usually do. That probably opened the door for this.

Mine looks like white or light grey snot, the picture sucks I know. Also, some of the leaves have what almost looks like mag deficiency. I'm guessing this plants not taking up nutes well.
Just an update on this, I took the affected plant and didn't wash off the rot or anything. I just took the stump tea and poured about a quarter of a gallon or so into the bucket and the grey moldy stuff is gone a couple days later.

It might have been gone for a while now, I'm not sure because I didn't really expect it to work so I just left it alone to see what happened lol.

I took the remainder of the 2 gallons I had and spread it out to 5 more DWC plants I've got and those 4 dirt plants from my other thread. They're all looking great.

The dirt plants doubled in size in about 2 days after I used the tea. I foliar fed them all too, they're looking great.

So I guess I'll be using the stump tea once a week now since HTG gives it out for free. May as well take advantage of it, God knows they've gotten enough of my money over the years to cover it :lol:

Good stuff so far, highly recommend.
I was going to recommend getting a chiller, it's the best plant investment I've ever made. Set it for 68 degrees and forget it. Not a single bit of slime & healthy roots. The room temp could/has been 95 degrees and my res stays at a pleasant 68.

chiller in action: https://www.rollitup.org/t/my-second-attempt-at-vertical.878537/
Yeah I just do single buckets these days though. Everything's isolated and I've never really run into an issue before.

Inwouldnt have much of a use for a chiller at this point, although I do have 2 other recirculating systems I built just sitting around in the garage. I had thought of getting a chiller for them before but just never pulled the trigger and now they're out of use :lol: