Ottawa, Ontario Info


Well-Known Member
ok well today i see my family doc for yearly checkup and i ask him about medical mj and he says hell sigh whatever is this all i need or would i need a second signature. and i was wondering about compassion clubs in ottawa i cant find any throught the interent and any other info would be graet............ thanks in advance fellow diciplies of the great and all poreful GANNNNJJJ


Active Member
ok well today i see my family doc for yearly checkup and i ask him about medical mj and he says hell sigh whatever is this all i need or would i need a second signature. and i was wondering about compassion clubs in ottawa i cant find any throught the interent and any other info would be graet............ thanks in advance fellow diciplies of the great and all poreful GANNNNJJJ a search on MMAR...those are the forms he needs to sign. It's a bit complicated but worth it.

There are silent compassion clubs in Ottawa, plus many DPL growers that exchange clones and share information. It's all about who you know...
