lol yeah, a pain in the neck, no matter what you do it involves work
but, lets see, Im still to have a perfect grow with em, maybe this time, first time I got 8 male/hermi ball`s and 18ish seed`s second time I hit 31C from the heat wave and got a bit flimsy bud`s
got 29C in there now and seem`s like they enjoy it, when I see it get down to 27C (in a day or two) I switch, also give me a chance to give em a good feeding before as I have to water agin tomorrow and on the small plant I think I see a bit of P maybe K deficiency, like a dark green color in the center of the new growth but normal looking green at the edges, nothing big, just a small sign, as she is in organic soil, I´ll give her a half dose top dressing with some Bat guano and bit of guano tea that will cover most/all nutrients, micro`s and trace elements