Chickens? Illegal here. Honestly. I wish. I do burn off chicken chit in separate compost pile for Lemons and my low ph bushes and trees. Also use sulpher. Must be potted and moveable. 15-20F for highs here in a few days. LOL. Thank you though. How about soil compositions.? Learning these tropical high drainage things with my heavy wet native materials.
WOW! Illegal to have chickens, the world has truly gone mad!!!
As far as soil, they’re just in a heavy clay bed broken up with some coots style mix and mulched with old chicken bedding and poop.
Would most likely work well in pots and I plan on putting 4 or 5 in large half barrels for the deck.
We get pretty cold winters where I am so we usually just wait until the last frost to prune the minor damaged tips, the plants don’t seem to mind either.
Plant fleece would probably help reduce frost damage too.