thats a badass micro grow you got going there, big ups for that. looks super light proof, what size cfl bulb you got under that reflector? looks like a brood lamp for raising chicks from a farm and garden store, if so I didnt know they ran any other type bulb other than a infra red lights and heating bulbs(shrug shoulders) anyways pop over and check out my grow. i have a micro where i retro fitted a computer tower for growing,and a large custom built flowering cabinet(currently in the process of reworking the lighting inside the flowering cabinet (5ft tallX2.5ft deepX 4.5wide) thinking about purchasing some led grow lights and using fluro tubbing for side lights. again big ups and good luck in future growing. hopefully you'll have way better luck on your first one than I did (my shit burnt down) switched to a 1000watt hps from cfl's wasn't properly prepared for the heat increase and killed my six beauty's

temp's were in the 130's when i got home the first day i installed it.
my biggest learning lesson "If it ain't broke, dont fix it"
second biggest lesson "always be around for the first day after any huge change in your setup for monitoring" if i had been home or at least waited to install until the weekend when i'd be home i could have avoided a shitty situation by catching it before temps got that high. usually when im home im checking on my plants every couple of hours im somewhat neurotic about them when im growing.
"Stay Faded"