Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..


Well-Known Member
Come on. I can't believe no one else is saying this other than the Militany Muslim groups.

Think about it. a HUGE team of seals, arguably the the best fighting group in the world. Certainly trained to SHIT!

Your telling me that they wouldnt have gone into that house with some form of Non lethal weapontry (one guy in the group.. incase a kid pops up around the corner) & one again, your telling me they couldnt have hit him with tranquilizer darts (or some form of.. you can imagine they have some pretty neat shit to choose from) & got him out of there.

I really believe there's more than a chance that he is on an aircraft carrier somewhere with a cattle prod up his ass singing like a canary.

I could be wrong. But I promise, if they WANTED to get someone out of there alive it would have happened.

There is the argument that they HAD to kill him, not take him alive because of the poilitical backlash or something. But that;s the same reason they would cover up his actual capture.

Myself, I hope they have him in a cave with lsd & some really shitty stobe lights & he;s beggin for momma. Fuck water boarding. You put a drill bit in a guys elbow he;s gonna chat about anything you want.

I suspect they are getting as much info out of him as possible THEN he will be fish food. If he IS alive, there is NO way he is ever going to see the light of day again. And I;m ok with that :)


Active Member
whos USOMA? youd think after 10 years of trying to catch him ye could spell his name properly


Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Come on. I can't believe no one else is saying this other than the Militany Muslim groups.

Think about it. a HUGE team of seals, arguably the the best fighting group in the world. Certainly trained to SHIT!

Your telling me that they wouldnt have gone into that house with some form of Non lethal weapontry (one guy in the group.. incase a kid pops up around the corner) & one again, your telling me they couldnt have hit him with tranquilizer darts (or some form of.. you can imagine they have some pretty neat shit to choose from) & got him out of there.

I really believe there's more than a chance that he is on an aircraft carrier somewhere with a cattle prod up his ass singing like a canary.

I could be wrong. But I promise, if they WANTED to get someone out of there alive it would have happened.

There is the argument that they HAD to kill him, not take him alive because of the poilitical backlash or something. But that;s the same reason they would cover up his actual capture.

Myself, I hope they have him in a cave with lsd & some really shitty stobe lights & he;s beggin for momma. Fuck water boarding. You put a drill bit in a guys elbow he;s gonna chat about anything you want.

I suspect they are getting as much info out of him as possible THEN he will be fish food. If he IS alive, there is NO way he is ever going to see the light of day again. And I;m ok with that :)
I dont believe that....i knew this would happen when they didnt relase the pictures...even the CIA was wondering WTF the Pres was doing. I thikn they smoked him.

Seal and any other raid team is trained to take head shots and double taps to minimize damage and drop and enemey before he has a reaction time. A head shot disables the body. They do those drills hours and hours a day every day and dream about them when they sleep lol....so it makes sense..fuck non lethal force LOL


Well-Known Member
As SNL stated:

"President Obama is now the first Black Person in History that has to prove that he DID kill someone."


Well-Known Member
I'd still think that even if they DID show the pictures.

It makes NO sense to not show the photos & the getting rid of the body. I understand the burial at sea, but IMO, they should have let people see the body, or kept the head or hand or SOMETHING as definite proof of death. Not as trophies, but as proof.

I agree with the seals training for the head shot. Body collapses & no setting off the bomb strapped to the chest. But they could use the same techniques but with bean bag bullets.

As I mentioned. If they wanted him alive, it would have happened.

I don't KNOW he's alive, but I would bet a bill on it.

Laugh.. I can't spell worth a shit :) I notice they call him UBL now instead. Must be easier for the young folks because they all spell that way anyways :) BRB, TTYL, LOL etc


Well-Known Member
......get a fucking clue...who gives a shit if UBL got shot or captured...we still got his ass.....and I hope they drown the muthafucker while waterboarding.


Well-Known Member
A couple more years like the last one and we'll have another Roaring 20's. The 2020 kind. Seen the Stock Market lately?


New Member
what i find funny is they went into there and killed him ummm yea right people are so fckin stupid sometimes and even more funny all it takes is obama to say he is dead lmaoooooooooooooo
when the citizins of the united states wake the fck up and realize that your own fckin government is corrupt worse then any mobster or Gang
when there scientific theory saying 911 was done by there own government and people are still blind lmaooooooo

when people of the united states realize they mean fck all in the grand scheme of things all they are is a puppit
when your own government will start a war waste your money yet stand there and watch citizins starving and living on the streets hahahaha

but hey just think of it this way another 10 years you will no longer be a citizin of the goo ole usa but rather a tenant
In case you guys haven't heard the taliban and al qeada both say he's dead as well as osama's daughter who said she seen her father shot in the face. As for the non lethal bullet crap, really? In a foriegn country on a raid for ubl someones going to have non lethal bullets, not going to happen. Nice try on the conspiracy theorists.


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
whos USOMA? youd think after 10 years of trying to catch him ye could spell his name properly

It was Usoma in the beginning and changes to Osama as time went on and all the reporters learned how to spell it. Hell, they still get Obama and Osama mixed on TV reports.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
OK OK,........This was going to have to come out sooner or later..........A company I used to work for, anticipated and foresaw the manner in which Osama Bin Laden would die, YEARS ago. The head shot that took this piece of excrement out of existence is displayed on a "freebie" T-shirt distributed nation wide in 2002. See for yourselves:osama 013.jpg


Well-Known Member
In case you guys haven't heard the taliban and al qeada both say he's dead as well as osama's daughter who said she seen her father shot in the face. As for the non lethal bullet crap, really? In a foriegn country on a raid for ubl someones going to have non lethal bullets, not going to happen. Nice try on the conspiracy theorists.

Someone told someone that alqueda or his daughters said something, and with no proof of a thing and zero independant investigations these days the media reported that 3rd or 4th party hearsay to you... And you believe it unquestioningly, because you know our government never lies or manipulates the media.

Yes, you really showed all those conspiracy theorists allright. Can't argue with your logic whatsoever.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Someone told someone that alqueda or his daughters said something, and with no proof of a thing and zero independant investigations these days the media reported that 3rd or 4th party hearsay to you... And you believe it unquestioningly, because you know our government never lies or manipulates the media.

Yes, you really showed all those conspiracy theorists allright. Can't argue with your logic whatsoever.
All righty then................The day when a LIVING OBL pops back up like a "whack-a-mole", and make complete FOOLS of the current administration, and idiots like me, (who would be soooooo stupid as believe that this pretty much happened as described)........Well DAMN!!.....Please, PLEASE call me and RUB, RUB it in real GOOD! Yes, here's the # 555 386-2277 or 555 DUMBASS..........BB :roll: