Original Sensible Seed Company.

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After finding out what they had decided to do, I knew I had to let everyone, that might be purchasing anything from them that they might be let down by other dishonest business practices associated with seed companies. Things like selling expired seed stock, or replacing real breeders seeds with their own creations. After all if they are willing to be dishonest to possible customers for any reason at all, then why wouldn't they be willing to continue to be dishonest.
^^^^fits the definition of imply to a fucking T

Really because what I'm seeing is a post that clearly states my reasoning and what I have read about other dishonest companies doing.
You making statements based on what you've read is hearsay and libel. There was no wrong doing from the seed bank. They never stole from you or anything that you claim. It is a lie from you and is libel.
Well that's how I know I'm right. I have the experience.
This is like throwing a very childish passive aggressive temper tantrum because you didn't get chosen. Like a third grader. We've gotta get past all the other, libel, slander, dishonesty and get to the real point. That is. You're kinda being a baby about all this. I still think this is a clever troll thread. I have nothing better to do tho. lol.
So you are mad that they didn't select you to give out free seeds? Doesn't sound like anything went wrong here except your feeling getting hurt, too bad they don't make bandaids for feelings.
Oh I know the only reason I'm posting at all is because my feelings were hurt. What's wrong with that?
So you are mad that they didn't select you to give out free seeds? Doesn't sound like anything went wrong here except your feeling getting hurt, too bad they don't make bandaids for feelings.
I just feel if they are willing to be even a little dishonest, then why couldn't they be very dishonest. So I'm telling anyone who will listen.
Oh I know the only reason I'm posting at all is because my feelings were hurt. What's wrong with that?
Then you shouldn't make claims they are a dishonest company because you are butthurt they didn't give you something for free, that is their choice not yours.
This is like throwing a very childish passive aggressive temper tantrum because you didn't get chosen. Like a third grader. We've gotta get past all the other, libel, slander, dishonesty and get to the real point. That is. You're kinda being a baby about all this. I still think this is a clever troll thread. I have nothing better to do tho. lol.
I don't think its a troll thread. I read through the journal at the other site. This dude is really tore up over something silly.
That is a lie. I'm sure you haven't contacted one. If so they would tell you that it is libel.

If you really did, lmao. Over not getting chosen for testers.
don't have any reason to lie. The lawyer told me I had no ability to sue and why. So now I know. Why don't you contact a lawyer and see what they tell you.
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