Active Member
Dishonest Original Sensible Seed Company.
My experience with this company happened a few days ago and ended with me being banned from another forum for posting the messages they sent me, which contained the reasons that made me believe they are untrustworthy.
OSSC decided to start a test grow thread on the forum I'm normally apart of. They created rules so that members would know if they qualified to be involved. The qualifications were that you be an experienced grower on that forum for a certain amount of months, possess atleast 50 likes, and are one of the first 10 people to post about their intent to be involved with that thread. Even if it is true that they are having more test grows, then why didn't they go threw with this test grow as planned and allow the late commers to wait for future test grows? I mean being able to trust a seed company to follow through with their word is a big deal when you consider that they might screw you out of hundreds of dollars recently spent on seeds.
Once there were 10 members posting I was sure I would be in the test grow as I was the 6th grower to post, have more than 50 likes and had a completed grow logged on that forum. All of the rules were plain to see and understandable.
The problem occurred when Original Sensible Seed Company made the decision to choose members that posted later on and told a few of the first 10 to post that they would be given other opportunities later on with other test grows OSSC would have going on down the road.
While I know technically there wasn't anything lost except the time I put into posting in their thread after finding pictures of my last grow (that took me about an hour to do since they were posted throughout The Vaults axt comparative), and investing my excitement due to the fact that I believed they would keep to their word and I would get to be involved. I still feel I should tell people of this dishonest business practice they believe to be okay.
After finding out what they had decided to do, I knew I had to let everyone, that might be purchasing anything from them that they might be let down by other dishonest business practices associated with seed companies. Things like selling expired seed stock, or replacing real breeders seeds with their own creations. After all if they are willing to be dishonest to possible customers for any reason at all, then why wouldn't they be willing to continue to be dishonest.
In summation to what I previously stated. How can anyone trust a seed company that is willing to be dishonest with possible future customers? If they are willing to falsely advertise so blatantly, then maybe they would be the type of company to sell old stock that is no longer viable or replace actual breeder seeds with their own creations. I'm not saying this is what they do. I have no idea how dishonest they are willing to be, but do know they are willing to be dishonest and falsely advertise.
I have screen shots of everything that has taken place including their infantile attempt to upset me further by stating that I had probably killed all of my previous tester seeds given to me by The Vault.
Here's a pic of my Northwest Exclusive Genetics Hammer of the Gods still in veg. As well as a canopy shot that includes my Hog, an ogk auto, Biodiesel mass auto, cherry bomb auto, 2 sweet tooth autos, a blueberry fem, and a white widow x big bud fem.
My experience with this company happened a few days ago and ended with me being banned from another forum for posting the messages they sent me, which contained the reasons that made me believe they are untrustworthy.
OSSC decided to start a test grow thread on the forum I'm normally apart of. They created rules so that members would know if they qualified to be involved. The qualifications were that you be an experienced grower on that forum for a certain amount of months, possess atleast 50 likes, and are one of the first 10 people to post about their intent to be involved with that thread. Even if it is true that they are having more test grows, then why didn't they go threw with this test grow as planned and allow the late commers to wait for future test grows? I mean being able to trust a seed company to follow through with their word is a big deal when you consider that they might screw you out of hundreds of dollars recently spent on seeds.
Once there were 10 members posting I was sure I would be in the test grow as I was the 6th grower to post, have more than 50 likes and had a completed grow logged on that forum. All of the rules were plain to see and understandable.
The problem occurred when Original Sensible Seed Company made the decision to choose members that posted later on and told a few of the first 10 to post that they would be given other opportunities later on with other test grows OSSC would have going on down the road.
While I know technically there wasn't anything lost except the time I put into posting in their thread after finding pictures of my last grow (that took me about an hour to do since they were posted throughout The Vaults axt comparative), and investing my excitement due to the fact that I believed they would keep to their word and I would get to be involved. I still feel I should tell people of this dishonest business practice they believe to be okay.
After finding out what they had decided to do, I knew I had to let everyone, that might be purchasing anything from them that they might be let down by other dishonest business practices associated with seed companies. Things like selling expired seed stock, or replacing real breeders seeds with their own creations. After all if they are willing to be dishonest to possible customers for any reason at all, then why wouldn't they be willing to continue to be dishonest.
In summation to what I previously stated. How can anyone trust a seed company that is willing to be dishonest with possible future customers? If they are willing to falsely advertise so blatantly, then maybe they would be the type of company to sell old stock that is no longer viable or replace actual breeder seeds with their own creations. I'm not saying this is what they do. I have no idea how dishonest they are willing to be, but do know they are willing to be dishonest and falsely advertise.
I have screen shots of everything that has taken place including their infantile attempt to upset me further by stating that I had probably killed all of my previous tester seeds given to me by The Vault.
Here's a pic of my Northwest Exclusive Genetics Hammer of the Gods still in veg. As well as a canopy shot that includes my Hog, an ogk auto, Biodiesel mass auto, cherry bomb auto, 2 sweet tooth autos, a blueberry fem, and a white widow x big bud fem.
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