Original highway delight closet grow 6 weeks into flower

This is a original highway delight by high quality seeds purchased from attitude seeds vegged under a 150 watt hps until it was foot tall. Its a northern lights x skunk #1 cross. This is my second grow but my first was a fem sour cream which was a hermie so I just scrapped it as this plant was growing also and didn't want it to get pollinated.

Its now 6 weeks in now under a 600 watt hps with cooltube reflector but has been under a 150 watt hps for 4 weeks of that. It in a 5 gallon pot with reused(I know not good) fox farms light warrior soil and grow big during veg now tiger bloom. I transplanted 2 weeks into flower as I found enough soil to fill the 5 gallon pot as opposed to the 2gallon it was in. Btw there didn't seem to be any transplant shock as alot of people say happens if u do so in flowering.

I don't have a good ventilation system just ducting with a shitty duct fan though I leave the door op0en often to let in fresh cooler air and have a fan blowing on the plant at all times though it still seems to have heat stress ever since I set up the new loight. Im able to keep temps around 84 F I trimmed alot of leaves along the branches as it was very bushy. Also a lot of fan leaves have fallen off either from heat stress or maybe disease from used soil idk. It seems like its starting to bulk up more as calyxes are starting to swell im thinking 2 more weeks but I really don't no as I've never made it this far before.

So tell me what you think and ill keep giving updates all the way to harvest cure and smoke report. Also will open another journal as I have 2 sensi seeds hindu kush seedlings a dinafem white widow, super lemon haze and budda tahoe og going which im going to do a Hempy bucket grow.
heres the pics, more to come


heres some more. 2 pictures of some lower branches where the calyxes havnt swollen up yet. 2 pictures of some leaves with brown flaky parts what is causing those?

and a picture of the bottom leaves which a lot of them are drooping.


No comments at all? my first grow would like some feedback here.

Im thinking 2 or 3 more weeks of flowering to go but Ill just have to wait and see. Also wanted to mention this plant is very low odor and the odor it does have is rather sweet smelling. Ive heard northern lights is low odor but wouldnt expect skunk to be so. could sweet smell be one of the phenotypes for this strain?
The buds are noticeably larger now and excited for harvest day. still a lot of calyxes that need to sweel and I got a 60x "currency detector" microscope and ill be keeping an eye on the trichs.
Also forgot to mention I did bend the braches outward to the position you can see in the profile view of the plant. before they all went straight up and crowded each other. one branch almost snapped and hung for a few days before returning back up after obviously repairing itself. not sure if thats impressive or not maybe the strain.

wanted to do this thread to show a strain which is not very popular and also to get some feedback on my first grow.

Like I said I am doing another grow right after this with 4-6 plants in hempy buckets also in my closet.

after that in august will be doing a large garage grow prolly half of a 2 car garage. I will be doing grow journals for both of these and also a thread on creating my setup in the garage. still unsure of what method but Im really looking into doing a vertical grow with 2 or 3 levels of plants around lights in a square.

so add me as a friend Im not going anywhere this is a life hobby for sure!

definitely if your from north Texas or know anyone from Texas Id like to talk to them as I just moved and dont know any stoners here.
Im stopping by, hopefully more people follow. Take a look at my first journal too! just started from seed

What soil/ nutes are you using?
Hey thanks for stopping by. Ill check out your grow.

Im using fox farms light warrior and fox farm nutes. used big bloom starting at 2 weeks in then switch to grow big until I flowered where I have been using tiger bloom ever since.
never terribly accurately measured the amount I used and I gave nutes every watering without any problems.
well I got some very bad and some good news. I took off one of the small branchs that was part of the top main cola dryed it out behind my xbox for 2 hours then looked at it and realized it was seeded! their was one real large calyxe splitting open and i just gently touched it and out came a what seems to be perfectly ripe seed! looked just like seeds I get from seedbanks. most people would be really angry about this but I only had one plant and I really want to do a guerilla grow this summer and now I can asap if these seeds germ.

I completely forgot about my dna genetics sour cream plant I had before this that hermied. pollen was fucking everywhere. I washed down the walls and carpet with water and vinegar but apparently that didnt kill it or I didnt get it all.(not suprising)

so the genetics of these seeds should be (og kush x g13 haze)male x (northern lights x Skunk #1)Female actually sounds like a good strain. should be close to 50/50 indica/sativa.
potent sour cream with the hardy highway delight.

I went back and found more calyxes that looked seeded their are to many for my liking. I found 10 mature seeds. and it will prolly only grow more,

with that said the calyxes even that are seeded are sticky as fuck. I actually rubbed my fingers together and got a hit of some hash :)

anyways most would be mad but Im just a newb and this is exciting either way haha
also I smoked the small bud and the crystally leaves around it and I got a trippy head high and a good body high def not a stone though. It reminded me quite a bit of synthetic thc like the jwh line just with the added face and body buzz. as expected as Trichs are still clear.
I want to wait for a good amount amber as I want that body stone.

even that premature seeded bud got me way higher than most of the "High Grade bud" they always just call "dro" I used to pay 20 a g for!!

Ill add pics of that bud and some seeds here soon.
well here is an update on the budding still coming along slowly. tops of branches are starting to get frosty(trichs cloudy) and calyxes still bulking up. it seems like the plant has put all its energy in the last week into growing the lower buds now as they have gotten bigger while the rest of the plant looks almost the same.

also theirs a pick of the young seedling i got from the seed from this plant. highway delight x sour cream its growing very slowly but seems healthy. I have 3 other germed seeds from this plant going 2 in rockwool one in verm/perlite mix. I prolly wont have room to grow these out indoors as I have others going so ill prollly grow these outdoors. Ive got a spot:)

