I've always been interested in how MMJ does what it does as far as curing diseases etc.. but I recently started seeing this girl that has MS and at the moment she walks around with a pocket book full of all sorts of shit... adderall for "fatigue", xanax and some other benzo for the anxiety that she gets when she can feel an episode coming, vicodin for the everyday pain that actually does nothing for her, but when she does have an episode she has to go to the hospital and they shoot her up with every possible opiate based pain killer known to man but none of it even touches the pain, they have to combine it with something else in order to knock her out basically and hope she's ok when she wakes up.... but on top of the other shit in her pocket book she has an assortment of muscle relaxers and those are just the ones she takes in pill form, she has all sorts of injections she has to take and all this crazy shit that she's going to be chained to for the rest of her life... a life thats actually going to be shorter that it would if she wasnt taking all that garbage to keep her going...
So since we've been seeing each other I've kinda opened her eyes a little bit about how big pharma and doctors dont really wanna cure her, all they want is to treat her for the rest of her life effectively making her a life long customer... But she made an appointment to get her MMJ card next week and so far I've got her on some edibles.. she really doesnt like smoking it but shes loving the edibles... last night we were at her house and I brought a batch of double chocolate/peanut butter chip cookies (medicated obviously) and just hung out and cracked up laughing all night... That was the first time she's actually gotten high since high school... She couldnt believe that something that makes you feel this good is not only, NOT bad for you, its actually good for you... We sat down while she was filling out the online pre-qualification form for the doctor and the list of side effects made us laugh so hard I was in tears and she pissed her pants kinda... Literally the side effects were like, increased appetite, giddiness, irritated/red eyes... There were a few more benign things that I dont even know how they consider them side effects but we were both like these are really side effects? Seriously? Compared to the side effects of the drugs that her doctors are feeding her, the ones from MMJ are almost welcomed... A few are welcomed actually, the appetite one especially...
It was actually a really good feeling to open someones eyes about how fucked up this country and how corrupt its health care system is, that they try to keep cannabis out of our hands when it can literally heal everything from a headache to the worst cancers imaginable and then some... and then have her be interested in actually taking a shot at changing the course of her life and trying to ween herself off all that other shit with my meds.... I've actually decided to take a qp of my meds and give the rick simpson hash oil a shot some point this week... I'd like to try subs tincture but I can make this a little quicker and start getting it into her body faster....
I read a couple statistics the other day....7 out of 10 people are killed by cancer but mainly the chemotherapy kills them or leads to them dying somehow... then the statistic after that was cannabis in the form of rick simpsons hash oil cures 7 out of 10 people its used on... I think thats amazing on one hand and a travesty on the other because they've been keeping this information from us for so long, actually telling us its bad, as bad as cocaine and herion anyhow... I'm not a big believer in religion but its really a sin to allow anyone to get sick any which way and not make cannabis legally available to them in some form or another...
Rant over.... sorry O... the first video sent me over the edge, lol... I couldnt resist telling my story after that...