organics, where to start?

..."until you suggested grasscity :cuss:" ;)

Have you see this one yet: read the first paragraph...

As our PM replied to the press a couple of times, "there are several incorrect assumptions in your question that make it difficult to answer so let me address those first". Always liked that one.

Yeh that can sometimes be a problem when folk ask rhetorical questions or loaded questions instead of open questions
but even open questions can be taken the wrong way, clarification vs scrutiny

in my example i said "so you will not be using teas" i only made this statement based on him firstly saying "water only sounds good to me"
"organics for the simplicity" etc,
if he had not implied "water only" in his orignal post perhaps my line of questioning would of been slightly different

some organic growers swear by teas others don't its a legitimate question especially if someone has previously implied the grow will be "water only"

he then went on to say that "of course he will use teas" and i should of known that he would use teas in the first place"
well i am not a mind reader, OP contradicts himself,
i would rather speak with folk who are clear and easy to comprehend without the contradictions,
i experience no pleasure in clarifying his ramblings, i am just trying to understand where he was coming from (organic growing wise)

if someone feels they are being scrutinised with the objective to prove them wrong they will respond defensively even if the intention was simply to clarify


not organic at all. 5-10% chemicals. I actually pissed off kushman a while ago. He said his nutes are 95% organic. I asked what's the other 5% . I said if its synthetics or chems then its not organic. Either its 100% organic or its not organic. Then he said his chemistry team knows what they're doing. Blah blah. Blah. I said chemistry huh. Is that organic chemistry then... He didn't answer. So anyway kushmans line is vegan but not organic
even if doing a small grow. Mixing your own soil is cheaper and easier. Even if buying bagged soil you still need to do some mixing. So recommending using bagged soil for.ease is an oxymoron. Ffof is not organic. (synth urea). You don't have to mix a giant pile at a time. I live in a condo. I mix up enough to fit in a 20 gal rubbermmaid tote at time. Just break it down. Peatmoss, coco, castings, compost, pumice and nutrients. Doesn't take very long either. Much simpler than you think. Mixing up a mix of bottled nutes every watering is far more time consuming than making a tea. When I do.teas I don't measure anything really. Just throw n handfuls of what ever.

ignore docs posts. He does the same thing in every organic thread. He probably works for a hydro company.

so where do you get that about the ffof?........ I went and read a bag and I don't see that in the ingredients....
not organic at all. 5-10% chemicals. I actually pissed off kushman a while ago. He said his nutes are 95% organic. I asked what's the other 5% . I said if its synthetics or chems then its not organic. Either its 100% organic or its not organic. Then he said his chemistry team knows what they're doing. Blah blah. Blah. I said chemistry huh. Is that organic chemistry then... He didn't answer. So anyway kushmans line is vegan but not organic

lol, i was just over there looking at the ingredients, and noticed the same exact thing, 95% organic, smh..
so where do you get that about the ffof?........ I went and read a bag and I don't see that in the ingredients....

dept of agriculture. Most nutes and bagged soil only list a fraction of what's actually in there. You can call fox farm and they will tell you too
I will let you all know that I am much meaner in person than on the internet. :fire:
Teaming with microbes is the best place to start. I also read Let it Rot to get an understanding of how to compost. Fresh compost is the backbone of organic growing. And when sourcing orgainic materials for building your soils, simple rule of thumb, nothing should come in a bottle.
that's a rarity my friend, online everyone is over six feet tall and a mixed martial artist. Or at least that's the attitude.
I also do it in an apartment. LC's soilless mix #1 with dry amendment recipe #1. I mix up 2 cubic feet and just leave it in a tote. I had to make it quick and put a plant in at 10 days of "cooking" and while there was some minor cal-mag issues at first, it's going beautifully. I water with humic acid/fulvic acid 1x week and then a tea 1 every 2 weeks or wherever, and it's super easy. Btw, when you make teas, make sure you know what you are aiming for from it. MicrobeMan says that humic acid in a bacterial dominant tea actually inhibits the growth of the population, and anything more than 20% kelp will as well. Organics is so fun to do though, and I am coming from Hempy. It's a little messier, but getting your hands dirty just feels good lol anyways, good luck!

Edit*minerals and rock dusts are important, and diversity is key! Even if you have to lessen amounts to include more diversity that's good!
I dunno......... seems like that's something they would mention

nope. If they mentioned everything , no one would buy it. Do you thing anyone would buy miracle grow or Scotts or home depot would even carry it if it said made from toxic sludge on the bag. Mg and Scotts are made from toxic sludge so.... Companies have fo disclose everything to the doa when they register their products with the state for sale. They're just not required to disclose anything to the public. Same b.s. Monsanto has been trying to get around. Big business at its finest. (sarcasm).
lol, i'm 6 foot 4, but usually try and come off as a kitty kat.. :D
Hah, me too, actually 6'4" and a speck over 200 lbs, and believe it or not, I did wrestling, judo, kickboxing, gymnastics (don't laugh), basketball, baseball, and football all through my youth and highschool.
If ya don't believe me Keizorsoze has seen me, he can vouch for my largeness :smile:
i'm a pacifist though, as long as nobody messes with my girl or my dog, and i'm docile as hell.
I also do it in an apartment. LC's soilless mix #1 with dry amendment recipe #1. I mix up 2 cubic feet and just leave it in a tote. I had to make it quick and put a plant in at 10 days of "cooking" and while there was some minor cal-mag issues at first, it's going beautifully. I water with humic acid/fulvic acid 1x week and then a tea 1 every 2 weeks or wherever, and it's super easy. Btw, when you make teas, make sure you know what you are aiming for from it. MicrobeMan says that humic acid in a bacterial dominant tea actually inhibits the growth of the population, and anything more than 20% kelp will as well. Organics is so fun to do though, and I am coming from Hempy. It's a little messier, but getting your hands dirty just feels good lol anyways, good luck!

Edit*minerals and rock dusts are important, and diversity is key! Even if you have to lessen amounts to include more diversity that's good!

I cant find the article but there was one I read, about deppresion and how gardening helps and there is actually a benificial bacteria that when you dig in the dirt, it releases seratonin in the brain or something. Wish I could find the article.
I cant find the article but there was one I read, about deppresion and how gardening helps and there is actually a benificial bacteria that when you dig in the dirt, it releases seratonin in the brain or something. Wish I could find the article.

That would be great to find! I mean it makes sense, gardening has been a stress relieving/relaxing hobby for thousands of years. When I move the soil mix around and take a dip whiff that earthy Loam smell just calms me down so much, like all anxiety just goes away....and I have GAD so feeling relaxed, even for those few minutes, is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world
well of course skunk.. i am just over bottled nutes pretty much, i like to think.. to me, organics still seem like an easier road then bottled nutes, and i wanna see about the taste of organics vs. say bottled, and the many other benefits of organics vs bottled..
they bottle organics too... use a good amended soil and something like blue mountain organics line ive used hem they work well.... you will need to supplement with some calmag though it doesn't have enough ... esp when growing calmag whores like og kushes....
not organic at all. 5-10% chemicals. I actually pissed off kushman a while ago. He said his nutes are 95% organic. I asked what's the other 5% . I said if its synthetics or chems then its not organic. Either its 100% organic or its not organic. Then he said his chemistry team knows what they're doing. Blah blah. Blah. I said chemistry huh. Is that organic chemistry then... He didn't answer. So anyway kushmans line is vegan but not organic
he still has good reading material .
op asked for some reading info i like kyle kushman i think hes very humble and a nice person.

that is neither here nor there, it certainly wouldnt kill anyone to read some of his blogs
he still has good reading material .
op asked for some reading info i like kyle kushman i think hes very humble and a nice person.

that is neither here nor there, it certainly wouldnt kill anyone to read some of his blogs

i am reading some now, and can't finish this post , cuz i'm dying. pmsl.. :D