Organic, Synthetic, in the end its all about the 16 elements!


This is going to be a break down of the 16 essential elements for growing. Also how to listen to your babies for deficiencies.

Nitrogen(N)- Slow vigor, almost stunted, older leafs become yellow (lack of chlorophyll), stems, leaf stems, & lower leafs surfaces may turn purple/red. Essential for vegetative growth.

Phosphorus(P)- Leafs may turn very dark gray & curl under. Some might mistake it for fungus. During flowering this will lead to smaller yields. It is responsible for ATP-energy transfer RNA and DNA components of the plants genetic information.

Potassium(K)- Responsible for the trans-location of carbohydrates, i.e involved in maintaining the H2O status of the plant. Leafs will begin to yellow and your stems and branches will become brittle.

Magnesium(Mg)- Older leafs will yellow @ tips & curl upwards, viens will remain green as it progresses. Solution is 1/4 tsp epsom salt per quart of h20, use it as a foiler feed for the best results. Do NOT over do it, this will result in a lockout of other nutrients.

Zinc(Zn)- New growth will be curled down very tightly spaced and have a lime green appearance. This is caused from your pH being too high.

Sulfur(S)- Part of the essential building blocks of protein. The top of the stems will be purple/red, bottom will look fine. Also stems will seem woody. Entire leafs yellow including veins.

Calcium(Ca)- Symptoms: Youngs leafs develop chorsis & discoloration, crinkling, dwarfing, strap like shape. Shoots also stop growing and thicken.

Iron(Fe)- Catalyst for chlorophyll production & required for nitrate & sulfate reduction and assimilation. Also responsible for electron transport during photosynthesis. Too high of a pH can often lead to this. This looks very similar to a Mg deficiency.

Magnese(Mn)- Involved in the oxidation reduction process in the photosynthetic electron transport system. Plays a structural role in the chloroplast membrane system, also it activates numerous enzymes. Lock out when pH is too high and when too much Fe is present.

Chlorine(Cl) Responsible for the evolution of Oxygen in the photosynthesis process and is essential for the cell division of roots and leafs. Levels less than 140ppm is safe for most bust chloride sensitive plants may exp. tip burn at levels exceeding 20ppm.

Baron(B)- Uncertain but believed to be involved in the synthesis of one of the RNA uracil formation. Root tips often become swollen and discolored. Stunts the roots as well.

Copper(Cu)- Assists in carbohydrate metabolism, nitrogen fixation and in the process of oxygen reduction. Young leafs often become dark and twisted. Leafs may die back or exhibit spots.

Molybdenum(Mo)- Responsible for the conversion of Nitrate to ammonium. Resembles a nitrogen deficiency.

Sodium(Na)-Seems to encourage crop yields. But an excess may cause plant toxicity or it may cause other deficiencies such as Ca or Mg.

Silicon(Si)- Inadiquite amounts will cause a 50% decrease in yields. Usually exists in solution as a silic acid and is absorbed in this way.

Cobalt(Co)- Component of the vitamin B12. Also essential to many beneficial bacteria it is involved in the nitrogen fixation of legumes.

I probably left some things out but i am stoned and and keep getting distracted. Anyway hope this helps!


What no props, criticism, nothing? I got three threads going all of which no one replies to very discouraging. Does this not help anyone a few years back this would have been a treat for me.