Organic Soil - When to feed


Well-Known Member
I have read through faqs and searched, seem to see different answers. The choice will also be very dependent on soil mix

Anyhow, I'm using MG Organic soil, 2 gallons worth, with 10% perlite, and 1 tbsp of dolomite and bone meal per gallon. Bone meal label gives a npk of 6-9-0.

I've seen opinions on the time to start feeding from 1 day out to 30 days. I was planning on feeding my veg stage with alfalfa tea. I was going to start at 10 days, but my reading has further confused me. All opinion welcome!



Well-Known Member
I would wait a lil more then 2 weeks just so your plants can get some the nutes out of the soil likethe bone meal.. You dont want to fertlize now because the salts will build up faster then they can leave just wait till yoour girls start asking to be feed

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
hard to beleive now but you will be able to tell when your plants need a feed.

I would wait until you get to the third node. You prob wont burn anything until then but the plants can be sensitive when they are young. I would not even put them in with that bonemeal yet, but bonemeal takes a while to break down. I assume you have steamed? IDK, just a guess, but that is faster than non-steamed.

I would seed and clone in a less ferted just miracle organic then transplant to that more heavily fortified soil. If you can. If you cant then you prob just wait out anything weird. Not that long.


Well-Known Member

The bone meal is MG. Lists the nitrogen as all being slow release. I did take a bit of a deep breath on starting my seedling in with the bone meal. Someone mentioned that the MG meal could be a little hot. I am on my 3rd leaf set, looks good so far.

Good info, so +rep to you too!


dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont know about that soil. If that is true then no bonemeal yet.

If it is slow release then you have to cook it first. I mean mix it into a soil mix in a rubbermaid or a trashcan for a few weeks before you use it. Water this mix lightly and turn it. Try and water it with some unsulphered blackstrap molasses found at the grocery store and some ro water. 1 tbsp a gallon of molasses to water. Also If you can add some bacterial innoculant like liquid karma or a wormcastings or compost tea then you are set. You need to give the bacteria in the soil time to grow and break it down.

who wait, I am sorry, if it is miracle grow it is probably already in their soluble version? IDK, mix it anyway and let it break down.

Try and get some worm castigs to add. They have them at garden centers for cheap. Like 9 bucks for a big bag. Add this in.

I am growing in one gallon bags, then transplanting when the roots show to 7 gallon grow bags. I want trees I am medical.

If you want good info go read in the organic section and subcools section. Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
dirt clean,

Thanks for the pointers and details. The bone meal was already mixed into the soil, so I'm committed on that score. Was planning on the molasses in a tea. Timing is still my big question mark.

As of today, plant seems to be really taking off, no stress signs yet.

I've been living in the organic forum for the last 3 weeks or so. Takes time to break down the info(organic pun). Last grow MGMC, ouch! Died a messy death, though I did go back and reread everything I could find on that stuff. I could probably do better if I tried it again, but I'm not going back from organic.

I really appreciate the critical importance of soil methods now, so +rep. Spend your rep where it does yah some good.



Well-Known Member
whoops, looks like rep has to be spread around a bit according to the message the system just gave me, the rep will be banked for a little while, the check is in the mail, so to speak



Well-Known Member
I like to wait for about a month before i start the feeding cycle. I have never worked with the MG soil so i'm not 100% sure on your situation.

I like to mix my first tea at about 1/2 strength as to not shock or burn the plants. I suggest using Alaska fish fert. I like to keep the N levels a little high, as they seem to love it. Alaska is 5-1-1 and then i add vegetative bat guano 10-3-1 and molasses.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for look and feedback. Organic has a lot different looks and experiences. I guess I'll do 'watchful waiting', see how plant behaves.

+rep for soil info, soil info is BIG!
