Organic soil fertilizers to bring out the full flavor of cannabis?

Thanks guys. Some great info to uptake here.

So im going to be making a brewer the way high times instructed on their website, is this the best least expensive type to make?
Thanks guys. Some great info to uptake here.

So im going to be making a brewer the way high times instructed on their website, is this the best least expensive type to make?
Cheapest way is a 5 gallon bucket from home depot and a pump with airstone, you can grab the pump+ airstone for like 20$ and the bucket for like 5$ also while you at home depot pickup a paint strainer to place your materials in so they don't float around in the mixture.
Ive experimented with both low volume and high volume air pumps. And I seriously dont see any difference they both perk up my plants nice after a 24-30 hour brew. But currently run a 951gph pump with a bubblesnake and a 400 micron mesh bag just cause I read its minimally sufficient. The smaller pumps supposedly are inadequate, and I have a feeling a microscope would prove that.
Yeah I thought it was good shit too, but a good friend that does organic told me it contains high levels of chlorine and not to use it.
where did you read this?
i never heard that, i always thought chlorine was too volatile to have in a crystal state under normal atmospheric circumstances
but i'm just a pot-smoker..
The bacteria is activated upon getting wet and eats the organic matter and molasses to shit out plant food and nutrients immediately accessible to the roots. You should make sure it can breathe, but you can do it without aeration.
The bacteria is activated upon getting wet and eats the organic matter and molasses to shit out plant food and nutrients immediately accessible to the roots. You should make sure it can breathe, but you can do it without aeration.
Yeah you are correct, but the aeration does increase bacteria numbers exponentially, i'd suggest using an air stone they are inexpensive, you can get the pump and stone for under 20$.
You can take my recipe and just use it as guideline, you don't really need the neem cake but I like to use that to keep the fungus gnats away, the main ingredients in a tea are compost , ewc, and molasses.