organic preventative pesticides for clones


New Member
hey all! So I'm getting some new clones this week, and they're healthy, so I want to keep them that way!
A few growers have told me the best way to prevent mildew/bugs is to treat the room and plants like you already have them.

So, with that being said... what do you all do to prevent problems? (organically)

I have a pretty large room with around 30 plants. So, I was planning on spraying all my clones with Garden Safe 3-In-1 Fungicide when they first come in and continue to spray every 3 days until I flip them into flower, then I'll stop with the spraying. Is this safe and good for our plants? I want to be able to test my weed after harvest, and pass for everything so I do not want any recommendations that will make me fail, or make my weed taste like shit and unhealthy.

I also heard to "dip" my plants before I bring them in my garden... what do I dip them in?? The same stuff I use to spray?

ONE last question.. I know, long post, my bad! But my humidity in my veg room with my last set of clones would not go past 55%, even with the dehumidifier off. I want my humidity at around 65% for my clones so should I buy a humidifier then??
Thanks all!!


Well-Known Member
Neem is organic.

The clones are already rooted aren't they? I wouldn't worry about getting a humidifier. 55% is fine. Why do you want 65%.


New Member
Neem is in the Garden Safe, or should i just strictly use neem?
and yeah but they're rooted in rock wool cube and just transplanted into solo cups.


Well-Known Member
Garden Safe is fine but don't spray on flowering plants. Same if you used neem. Spray regularly in veg but stop when the plants flower.

If you have roots they should be fine transplanting. I wouldn't worry about 55% humidity but it's your money not mine. So if you want to buy a humidifier that's your thing. They'll grow just fine at 55%.

Good luck with your grow. :blsmoke:


New Member
okay sweet, thanks for the help. and yeah ill keep it as is and see how the plants like it. and thanks for the luck !! happy growing and smoking!


Well-Known Member
Look at PureCrop1, which can be sprayed anytime. Just make sure the room is cool, plants are well watered, fans are off and lights are off for a few hours. Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Look at PureCrop1, which can be sprayed anytime. Just make sure the room is cool, plants are well watered, fans are off and lights are off for a few hours. Good stuff.

Hmm, you can spray it during flower just like you can many other things. But I wouldn't. I don't spray anything on flowering plants. Many things are safe but do you really want this stuff on your buds? Plus it's way overpriced.

Soybean oil, corn oil, filtered water, guar gum, glycerin, citric acid, soap and vanillin


Well-Known Member
Did you read the details??? People are using this product in mass grows all over Denver with great results. Go to their website, read all the links. It may change your mind.


Well-Known Member
I also heard to "dip" my plants before I bring them in my garden... what do I dip them in?? The same stuff I use to spray?
just saw this. yes, same stuff just full coverage. I saw skunkpharm had a rig built to take large plants and flip them for dipping, it was rather complex. The dip gets under all the leaves and thats where mites will lay eggs.


Well-Known Member
I want my humidity at around 65% for my clones so should I buy a humidifier then??
I just use a dome to keep them happy, but if running the veg area on a VPD chart generally requires a pretty high RH% and in that case a humidifier is needed. Larger areas use a evaporative cooler, thats just a big ass humidifier. You can control it with a cheap inkbird plug and play just make sure the device has auto restart after power outage if it has digital controls.