Organic potassium??? Tea???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am looking for an organic supplement for potassium...any suggestions? Looking for water soluble and fast absorbing stuff.

Also looking for something to help the soiless digest nutrients without any issues. Humic Acid maybe? Is it possible to make Humate Tea?

- New to making my own organic tea, I have been loving bat guano and kelp but I feel like I am missing something - :confused:


Well-Known Member
I dig guano but I have two mixes - one is high N and the other is high P - neither one has sufficient K.

I have kelp which is okay. I am trying to figure in potassium at about a 5 level and the guano I have does not have that much.

I am looking for something that is nothing but K. I read about greensand but it is slow release and non soluble.

Also trying to figure out if humate or humus can be made into tea. I assume it can but I wonder about the acid level.


Well-Known Member
Earth Juice Meta K. All Organic, highly soluble NPK of 0-0-10. You can cut the dose in half to get the 0-0-5 you desire. Lots of Hydro Stores sell it. So, does it runs about 12.95 to 14.95 a quart.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real....Organic....


Well-Known Member
LOL dude that was the one I found too. Greensand seems to be the only one and it is slow release and non soluble......I could not find anything else!

Yeah definitely going with the Meta K from Earth Juice. Looking for the best deal right now. Too bad because I am trying to be economical but hopefully will last a looooonnnnggg time.
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Well-Known Member
high p bat guano
bone meal
thats what I use with high P boxed organic ferts (Dr. earth)
I LOVE my Dr. Earth! Isn't that stuff the bomb? Which one are you using? I got Organic 5 (for tomatoes and veggies), but will probably try the Organic 4 (azalea, rhododendron, evergreen--for acid loving plants) after I use this box.


Well-Known Member
Green, do you use a catalyst or something to help the digestion of fertilizer?

I tried liquid karma a loooonnng time ago and it was good. It was really good.

Is there something you really dig or brew? I am curious about humus in general.
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Active Member
Reviving an old thread here...

How about using bananas that are cut up and mixed into the rest of the tea while it bubbles for a few days.

I two have bat guano high in N and some high in P but I need that K in the mix. Don't really want to order anything, any other way to get some K?
ive heard about the banana thing before, but i would do it unless your using something like rhizotonic or MYKE (with mycorhizea)

to me that sound like risk of introducing all kind of things u might not want


Well-Known Member
Wood ash is a source of potassium my wood ash is at a 0-1.5-7 N.P.k. ratio. Also it has many micro nutrients,may raise PH a little, and It's Fast acting.


Active Member
Wood ash, and ash will do? I certainly can get a bunch of ash if needed. If I were going to make a tea, how much ash per gallon do you think would work, or if I decide to top dress, how many feet per cup?

I have really started to love the whole organic thing, it just "makes sense" to me.


Active Member
Wood ash? Sounds good to me, I can get a bunch of it.

How should it be applied though? If I were to make a tea of it, how many cups per gallon of water would be used? Or if I just top dress, how many feet per cup?

I would prefer the ash thing over anything else, it makes sense to me.


Well-Known Member
They say not to use any soft woods because they lack nutrients. i would use 1 tbs per gallon of water and wait a day to see how your plants like it, it's always better to underfeed then realize you over did it. Ash contains around 15% calcium. Also id recommend getting a soil tester if you don't already got 1.