Organic Perpetual SOG

Who uses what, Soil, Hydro or my personal fav Coco

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The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
ganj father i will be asking you many questions along my journey of starting a small forest. i only have about 30" of height but 4-6 feet of width and just over a foot deep so this is my only option to produce a good yield.

questions i have so far. can i do this with soil? no hydro or grow shops around here. so all i really have access to is soil or if i build my own hydro system..

also can i run a hps in only 30" of height? i would prolly have to modify the hood to make it fit in my small area but my question is will i fry my plants?

please let me know.
ok, sorry its taken me so long to respond, my internet was out of commission this weekend... so lets see, this is completely possible with soil, and will probably be a bit easier. do you have a pic of your grow space, si I can see what exactly your working with... HPS should be no problem, thou you will need to keep your heat in check. your plants can take as much light as you can throw at them, as long as it stays cool. mylar, like noted above will be a great idea, along with the removal of the reflecor hood. your space is small enough to trap all the lumens, though you might still want to modify and keep a partial hood... I can give better advice with pics, I wouldn't want to have you do anything unless it was the best posssible option. get me some pics, and bring on the questions!

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
I think I did explain I use the 400w'ers because the height from ground to ceiling is about 5-1/2 ft. unfortunately 1000w would burn up my plants. also, I have access to a practically unlimited amount of 400w ballasts and bulbs. can't pass up free right? as far as your comment about promoting a certain product, well i'll just take that at face value, i'm not here trying to sell anything, believe me I would be trying a lot harder... I AM promoting a product I believe in and have shown the best results... if you look close you will botice 3-4 different brands I "promote". if it works, and works well I will tell the world, its called advertising by quality and word of mouth. so my question is if your not here to pick a fight, what are you contributing to this thread, except trying to catch someone up? all i'm here to do is share my knowledge and experience with others, which is all this thread is meant to do... so while I appreciate the time you took to skim my thread, I don't appreciate you wasting my time by spitting nonsense just creat publicity for yourself... start your own thread and come up with something interesting to say. i'm here to assist the ones that need it, and conversate and have a good time, lets keep it that way!

That's cool man. me too. Sorry i wasn't of any help and caused your blood level to rise there. see ya


Well-Known Member
ganj the space is in the process of being built. just imagine a cabinet that is 8 feet wide 29" tall inside and 13" deep inside.

the new sun system II's 400w is only 12.6" wide so i will be getting that for my hps. or do i need 2 150's since i'm in need of about 4 feet wide coverage ... orrr as you suggested should i get a non-enclosed ballast system and not use a hood or mod one?

and i think i'm going soil for sure

clones i think i could rout in rockwool then move to flower in 6x6x7 pots and be good till harvest correct? since we are thinking they will only end up 10" or so?

i'm looking to do 16 in the flower room at all times.

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
whew, you mige even want 2 400w'ers... 8 ft coverage is quite a bit to stretch the lumens, and I think you would be dissapointed w/ 2 150's though. lets see... i'm trying to think as I type, if you ued 4" pots you could squeeze another whole row of plants. I would flower your clones at maybe 6" to start out, until you get the feel for your strain, which is? also you'll want to lollypop the plant and only grow out the top, no side branches at all, only the 2-4 sets closest to the top. if you flower at 6" you should end up with 20" plants, hopefully. that should leave enough room to stick the light down in there. let me know if 2 400w are possible, if not we can figure something out with just one... let me know


New Member
yo ganj father....that revegged plant on your space profile is cool as hell. Ive never seen one revegged with bud still left naturally on it.


Well-Known Member
strain is bigbud and blue mystic are the mothers i have now.. i have more seeds of them and some gangi and afghan.

i think what i may do is 4" pots like you said. then have a 3x8 set of flowering pots. this gives me 24 colas and less than 3 feet wide.

oh wait i just noticed something. i only need this to spread 4 feet not 8 my cab is 8 wide but 4 feet of it is going to be for mothers and clones.

can one 400w spread 4 feet? or should i stick to the 24 colas under 3 feet? i guess i'd like to max out the light from the hps but don't want to have too many plants under one light. i guess i'm looking for the perfect amount of 4x4 pots i can fit in a 4 foot by 1 foot area under one 400w hps.

thanks again for the help.. i'll check back later tonight

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
you'll have to let me know how the bigbud does, i've been looking into that strain for a while now, I heard it was a good yielder, but only moderately potent. ok, so this might be a bit more managable, because if your planning on using the cabinet for veg and bloom your gonna need 2 lights anyways... a 400w'er could probably do 5 ft comfortably, you split that down the middle, and th light is only having to fill 2.5 ft each direction... also, that would make your bloom area about 5 sq ft, so you'll be pushing 80w per sq ft! that's damn good man!!! you might want to look into modifying your reflector hood (if its a verticle hood) to abou a half hood, so about 2/3's the bulb is sticking into your cab. if you don't have a verticle hood go ahead and just stick it on inside of there, as close to dead center as possible. so to recap, go w/ a 5ft bloom, and a 3ft veg room, the light only has to spread 2.5ft and 1.5ft. I would still get 2 400w'ers only because you want the node spacing to be as tight as possible, so tight noded mothers is a good place to start!


Well-Known Member
not sure if i'm going to run two 400w to start cause i do have a big carbon filter that needs to go in the cab too and i'm going to vent both chambers with it if i can figure a decent way to do it.

how important do you think humidity is? right now my humidity is about 20% on average. i know people say you should have it higher for vegging but this is what i have to deal with now and my plants seem fine.

i'm going to draw up a pic tonight and i'll post it on here and we'll go from there.


Well-Known Member
here is my idea

vents and fans all blow into the middle chamber then up into my garage or into garage attic if still a lil scented. I will have these fans setup to blow only if temps rise above 84* since this cab is going to be out in my garage.

also there will be more fans in the bloom chamber and one more venting in from the far right side

let me know what you think ganj


The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
not sure if i'm going to run two 400w to start cause i do have a big carbon filter that needs to go in the cab too and i'm going to vent both chambers with it if i can figure a decent way to do it.

how important do you think humidity is? right now my humidity is about 20% on average. i know people say you should have it higher for vegging but this is what i have to deal with now and my plants seem fine.

i'm going to draw up a pic tonight and i'll post it on here and we'll go from there.
your not goung to mount your exhaust and carbon filter on the outside? I think that might be a bit more efficient. as far as venting both sides with one fan I thing that would be a great idea! all you would need to do is center the exhaust between both sections, towards the top of the box. as far as your humidity, its whatever you can maintain. levels between 40-50% are considered optimum levels for cannabis. much above that is a danger zone for molds. your lucky imo to have low humidity, I battle with above average levels of humidity, and have to use many things to prevent mold. I would spray your plants on a daily with a diluted or even full strength nute solution, your babies will love you for it. you should stop spraying plants once they start to for fruit clusters, a couple white hairs would be ok but much further after that your asking for moldy trouble. but the little bit of moisture throughout will increase the humidity.

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
here is my idea

vents and fans all blow into the middle chamber then up into my garage or into garage attic if still a lil scented. I will have these fans setup to blow only if temps rise above 84* since this cab is going to be out in my garage.

also there will be more fans in the bloom chamber and one more venting in from the far right side

let me know what you think ganj
yeah that looks good, are you trying to keep it as inconspicuous as possible, is that why your keeping the fan inside. that's a good looking cab, looks professional...! :-P are you planning on using compact fluros for veg? I think you would be most pleased with a MH and HPS.


Well-Known Member
yeah what wattage MH do you think i could put above the mothers there and then some light would make its way to the clones which would have CFLs over them

the filter i got is the blue ones from the banners on this site .. the guy that ebays them. and the fan is blowing what i considered to be the wrong way. it blows out the top if you are looking at my drawing.... so there is really noway of mounting it on the outside and having it do anything. i emailed him to see how hard it is to take apart.

also yes this is going above my 3rd stall in my garage so if someone wants to snoop they will have to get a ladder... and i'm building many more cabinets that will also have locks on them to kind of blend them all together.