Organic no till, probiotic, knf, jadam, vermicomposting, soil mixes, sips etc... Q & A

I saw a grow that had MASSIVE plants... the recipe in the soil... composted cow manure.. and epsom tomato tone thats IT.. they things GIANTS... granted they were outdoor but they were outdoor in northern WI lol .. so simple imputs really might be best.... last year in my outdoor garden I used JUST composted cow manure... I needed tomato skyscraper cages.. it was ridiculous... needless to say once the ground un freezes around here I will be ordering a literal dump truck load of the shit lol
What I can tell from having my soil tested is that manure composts are usually very high in phosphorus and potassium but very low in trace minerals. If you look at a bag of Malibu compost, they use comfrey, borage, and few other things to add the micronutrients. I still haven't completely figured out how to use manure compost, but Alan Adkisson grew up on a farm and ferments helped with him with manure toxicity. He takes pride in the fact that EM1 and other ferments will help reduce toxicity in the soil. It was an eye opener for me because I have been using rabbit manure for a few years and I always had mixed results. At the same time, the worm bin that I made out of rabbit bedding never really had a healthy worm population until this winter when I added several gallons of bokashi to it. I used Azomite and Greensand in the bokashi, so I like to think that it addressed more than one issue. The bokashi warmed up the worm bin during peak winter weather and the worms looked healthier than ever. Red wheat bran has Mn and that is the trace mineral that I was lacking the most. Plus, azomite and greensand have a decent amount of Mn also. I feel like bokashi bran is one of missing puzzle pieces that I have been missing.

I was about to mix up another batch of bokashi during this weekend. Let me know if you are lost on anything. There is a Grokashi recipe out there but it is pretty expensive to put together, I'll probably do it after next harvest.
What I can tell from having my soil tested is that manure composts are usually very high in phosphorus and potassium but very low in trace minerals. If you look at a bag of Malibu compost, they use comfrey, borage, and few other things to add the micronutrients. I still haven't completely figured out how to use manure compost, but Alan Adkisson grew up on a farm and ferments helped with him with manure toxicity. He takes pride in the fact that EM1 and other ferments will help reduce toxicity in the soil. It was an eye opener for me because I have been using rabbit manure for a few years and I always had mixed results. At the same time, the worm bin that I made out of rabbit bedding never really had a healthy worm population until this winter when I added several gallons of bokashi to it. I used Azomite and Greensand in the bokashi, so I like to think that it addressed more than one issue. The bokashi warmed up the worm bin during peak winter weather and the worms looked healthier than ever. Red wheat bran has Mn and that is the trace mineral that I was lacking the most. Plus, azomite and greensand have a decent amount of Mn also. I feel like bokashi bran is one of missing puzzle pieces that I have been missing.

I was about to mix up another batch of bokashi during this weekend. Let me know if you are lost on anything. There is a Grokashi recipe out there but it is pretty expensive to put together, I'll probably do it after next harvest.
I also grew up on a farm in a very very small town my entire life and had a large garden. and not a commercial farm we farmed because we needed to, to eat lol so I have A LITERAL METRIC SHIT TON of experience with manure hahaha.. I do not ever recall using any kind of microbial inoculate but I am sure it was just there through the natural process. I have about 50 animals now (goats chikens pigs rabbits) and will be using varied compost manure sources and I also use my lawn clippings that I have never treated with anything. I want to look into planting some plots of comfrey, borage and other useful inputs I can use. Its a long slow developing road in what I am doing... I really dont believe in just throwing a bottle at a problem.. I tried that and it was always just swing one way swing the other.. never that great balance.. so I started slowly working on soils... One of the people on here from loooong ago I doubt is still here (UncleBen) I think gave me the best insight I have ever had in growing... even though I dont follow it as much as I should lol it was ... get off the internet and get in your garden... listen to your plants (-:
What are you collecting for making large compost piles and worm bins?

We have a large plot of land im making roads in and ive got huge piles of brush, fallen trees and i saved the forest duff in a big wind row along the whole road .

Im going to use it tho . But yeah, not everyone should just go disturb nature , i see it like its the byproduct of my buisness. Misewell turn it into compost to clean it up.

And theres lots of old rotten hay bales around

And the seaweed washes up on beaches and it gets piled up and dried out . No good.

Some things theres an abundance, or its going to be lost anyways from doing construction. Im speeding up the breakdown and speading it around town .

Feeding the community and creating new rich soil, Its not all doom and gloom but i get your point
What are you collecting for making large compost piles and worm bins?

We have a large plot of land im making roads in and ive got huge piles of brush, fallen trees and i saved the forest duff in a big wind row along the whole road .

Im going to use it tho . But yeah, not everyone should just go disturb nature , i see it like its the byproduct of my buisness. Misewell turn it into compost to clean it up.

And theres lots of old rotten hay bales around

And the seaweed washes up on beaches and it gets piled up and dried out . No good.

Some things theres an abundance, or its going to be lost anyways from doing construction. Im speeding up the breakdown and speading it around town .

Feeding the community and creating new rich soil, Its not all doom and gloom but i get your point
Tending to the land is difderent than harvesting from nature, so forgive me if I misunderstood how the leaves were "collected".
My compost pile is mostly yard debris like duff that has been pulled back from the side of my house to midigate wildfire risk, I have a chipper so anything too small for the epa class 3 fireplace gets chipped. I do simple pile composting but I cant easily do much in the way of food scraps because of wildlife. And cannabis trim of course.
Seems like the kelp would be excelent additive but based on my land locked status I am not prepared to wager anything on whether ot not it should be left on the shore. Is it a nuisance issue, hazard issue, water quality issue?
Construction debris or anything they would be land filling that could be compsted probably should be, ideally to be repurposed into the finished landscape of the construction project.
Tried worms before, was too cool in garage over winter, but now that wife is trying to be less carnivore she is opening up to the idea of processing food scraps under the kitchen sink.
Tending to the land is difderent than harvesting from nature, so forgive me if I misunderstood how the leaves were "collected".
My compost pile is mostly yard debris like duff that has been pulled back from the side of my house to midigate wildfire risk, I have a chipper so anything too small for the epa class 3 fireplace gets chipped. I do simple pile composting but I cant easily do much in the way of food scraps because of wildlife. And cannabis trim of course.
Seems like the kelp would be excelent additive but based on my land locked status I am not prepared to wager anything on whether ot not it should be left on the shore. Is it a nuisance issue, hazard issue, water quality issue?
Construction debris or anything they would be land filling that could be compsted probably should be, ideally to be repurposed into the finished landscape of the construction project.
Tried worms before, was too cool in garage over winter, but now that wife is trying to be less carnivore she is opening up to the idea of processing food scraps under the kitchen sink.

The kelp is over abundant and the govt has a program in place under a certain amount is free then its pretty cheap by thr tonne if you want to setup and clean the beach

Every time theres a storm, a shitload of seaweed washes up on shore and sits there for months, and starts to smell, attract shitflys and all the tourists hangout on the opposite side of the beach,

Now the real problem is probably the kelp harvesters disturbing the marine life to get seaweed.

The stuff on shore usually has a bit of garbage but it will be easy to pickout over time as it breaks down . Its no big deal , think of it like your cleaning garbage off the beach :)
The kelp is over abundant and the govt has a program in place under a certain amount is free then its pretty cheap by thr tonne if you want to setup and clean the beach

Every time theres a storm, a shitload of seaweed washes up on shore and sits there for months, and starts to smell, attract shitflys and all the tourists hangout on the opposite side of the beach,

Now the real problem is probably the kelp harvesters disturbing the marine life to get seaweed.

The stuff on shore usually has a bit of garbage but it will be easy to pickout over time as it breaks down . Its no big deal , think of it like your cleaning garbage off the beach :)
Give that, IMO that's tending and not pilfering.

That's the only point I wanted to make. I don't want people coming to the high alpine desert of colorado and the mountain west taking the peat thinking it like a peat bog. Here it is much slower to generate.

It eats me alive when organic growers "step over dollars to pick up dimes" just so they can wear the uberorganic badge.
Give that, IMO that's tending and not pilfering.

That's the only point I wanted to make. I don't want people coming to the high alpine desert of colorado and the mountain west taking the peat thinking it like a peat bog. Here it is much slower to generate.

It eats me alive when organic growers "step over dollars to pick up dimes" just so they can wear the uberorganic badge.

The kelp is over abundant and the govt has a program in place under a certain amount is free then its pretty cheap by thr tonne if you want to setup and clean the beach

Every time theres a storm, a shitload of seaweed washes up on shore and sits there for months, and starts to smell, attract shitflys and all the tourists hangout on the opposite side of the beach,

Now the real problem is probably the kelp harvesters disturbing the marine life to get seaweed.

The stuff on shore usually has a bit of garbage but it will be easy to pickout over time as it breaks down . Its no big deal , think of it like your cleaning garbage off the beach :)
We know sooo little about our oceans dude! Guess with everything melting we should all embrace an aquatic life of some sort or not waterworks with Kevin Costner I hope ....:blsmoke:

You wouldn't believe what I take off my local lakes beaches for my compost piles and gardens........most folks would steer clear of.............this applies to my planting sites as well!

It eats me alive when organic growers "step over dollars to pick up dimes" just so they can wear the uberorganic badge.

Lmao when they come to the realization that proper usage of these mediums (ESP not over feeding anything) alongside with the fact that they can be recharged and resumed MULTITUDES of times.........I couldn't agree more!
Hey don,,,,,,,,any chance you have seen any heavy skunk varietals in most recent times!? I'd really enjoy bringing back the lime green lovelies and will say now I'm not driven by financial gain!

Having nerve damage fixed on my roght side means I'll be dedicating as much energy and time to this thread as I can to learn and help.
So if you didn't know I grew up on a large dairy farm in central Vermont....mainly gernsies and Holsteins. I could prob shoot the chit here about swine slurries and the like.....lmao I know I know


I'm curious if I could maybe find a grow buddy here..........
I grew up watching across the fence from a VERY EARLY AGE! I can attribute my knowledgebase to this great program and Charlie nardozzi. Come with me on a journey!

By the way, did u know that for every 1 meter of tree root (healthy trees obviously) there is a kilometer of mycelium!
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Having nerve damage fixed on my roght side means I'll be dedicating as much energy and time to this thread as I can to learn and help.
So if you didn't know I grew up on a large dairy farm in central Vermont....mainly gernsies and Holsteins. I could prob shoot the chit here about swine slurries and the like.....lmao I know I know


I'm curious if I could maybe find a grow buddy here..........

Are you asking for some one to guide you through growing cannabis?
I have no idea what your talking about. Let's keep this thread where its aim is supposed to be. The TOPICS of organic no till........etc getting weird vibes is a you thing man! I won't feed into the motivations that I can discern brought this about. I refuse to feed into it!
The FPE recipe I'm doing; For flower I'm sticking to using red, yellow, orange fruits. No citrus. Its fermented for 4 weeks total.

For veg I'm using green plants. All my other veggie scraps go to the worm bin.

I'm using labs in my FPE not EM1.

EM1 is the same lacto bacteria in labs plus photsynthetic bacteria and yeast.
I found the JADAM book and I think that I am just going to buy it. I can find all kinds of stuff on KNF but JADAM is much harder to find info on. So, I have 3 questions.
1) The FPE recipe, is there anything special about it or can I just get a bunch of banana and whatever I find at the store. Banana is good and cheap because I find the bags of marked down produce. I usually buy it for my rabbits, it's like candy to them.
2) Why not use EM1, is there a reason? I just expanded 5gal of EM1, so I have plenty of if. I was going to switch to LABS but I was trying to get a faster start.
3) The fermented citrus spray looks interesting. I'm guessing that it is just LABS/EM1 and molasses with citrus peels?