Organic living soil supply in Spain


Active Member
Hello guys, looking for fellow people in Spain, who could help with organic soil, amendment, and etc. Can’t find on internet yet, are they producing organic living soil? Where to find?


Well-Known Member
Grass clippings and tree leaf compost is the best! You don't need amendments, just find something like nettle or borage to add to the compost. It's free and the best soil that you can have...


Active Member
Alright man,,I just bought things locally and from the internet and mixed a batch ,
Should give a base to add as you see fit,
25kg bag humus de lombriz from amazon 18 euro delivered,,LOMBEC brand,,seems nice,,
Leyroy merlin for estericol de caballo 7 euro for 50litres ,and compo brand organic compost -SuBstrato para huerto y frutales,
They have boxes of organic granulated fertilizer, but not sure what your wanting to use,,
i bought a 5 kg block of coco (80 litres) 8 euro and basalt 20kg from

100 litres perlite from projar 15 euro delivered,,

Thats Basically how i made my 1-1-1 Mix

not teaching how to suck eggs ,just alot cheaper than buying from grow Shops. suppliers