Alright man,,I just bought things locally and from the internet and mixed a batch ,
Should give a base to add as you see fit,
25kg bag humus de lombriz from amazon 18 euro delivered,,LOMBEC brand,,seems nice,,
Leyroy merlin for estericol de caballo 7 euro for 50litres ,and compo brand organic compost -SuBstrato para huerto y frutales,
They have boxes of organic granulated fertilizer, but not sure what your wanting to use,,
i bought a 5 kg block of coco (80 litres) 8 euro and basalt 20kg from
100 litres perlite from projar 15 euro delivered,,
Thats Basically how i made my 1-1-1 Mix
not teaching how to suck eggs ,just alot cheaper than buying from grow Shops. suppliers