organic hydro ? ?

Depends on your setup I would say. I run aero and have no shot at running organics. There would be foam and shit everywhere. Use to do guano teas and stuff for my soil and even leaving that stuff with a bubbler it would foam over my bucket. Can't imagine what would happen if it was being sprayed every 4 mins.
is there such a thing as organic hydroponics ? (Flood and drain system i want to do (already know about doing it with fish)
someone told me he fills a hempy bucket filled 2 3rd up with perlite and top 3rd with organic compost mix with somekind of material inbetween the perlite and mix and you use fresh water in the bottom (he said the bottom 2 3rd of roots are desighned to drink water and the top 3rd drink the organic solution )........with the wick effect and the material you can just feed from top and water from bottom...

hes been a hydro nut for decades and said this is the closest youll get to 100% to hydroponics.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the word hydro and organics do not go together.

There really isn't any true organic bottles that will work in any hydro system. However you can add organic teas to fight off sludge and or in between res changes, or even as a treat for the plants.
But that's really about it. I've seen countless failed organic hydro grows.....

@foreverflyhi what do you have to say after seeing @genuity's post in this thread?
I wish I had more info on this,that's one reason I did not call it organic,cause we all have different understandings of the word organic...

As long as the water is cool,it works good..
And in DWC,that plant went threw 3gals a day in flower,so no real chance of rot,or anything IMO

Ima go back and see what all I did use,I know for sure it was along the line of orgnicness.