Organic / Home made nutes thread


New Member
Hey guys, I'm growing at home, at the moment using egg shells, rabbit manure, and urine on my plant, it's a nasty mixture, but my plants look like they love it... so here are a list of the organic nutes i use, along with a link for directions / explanations:

This is all i have for the moment :| Please, tell me your organic methods of fertilizing your plants :) I will update this main post so everyone can see, and get sexy growing plants ;)

Hope i helped :D


wow no one posted? any ways what i used in the past tried and true! is get some bean sprouts alfalfa sprouts and cucumber you know cucumber all from the local grocer and brocoli.. i would juice the sprouts put them in one bottle juice the cucumber put in another bottle and just boil the brocoli and wait till the water is a dark green put it in a nother bottle and mix.. i cant remeber but about 10 ml a gallon of each with some fish emulsion from the wal-mart... any ways you got enzymes in the sprouts.. silica in the cucumber.. and calcuim and vitamins in the brocoli and a good nitrogen in the fish emo i also used beer it works great if you dilute it proper and used fish tank water for the flowering good natrule phosphorus <<spell check ive had the best grows tryed and true!!any ways i have money know so i just buy what i need,, you get the fruits of your labor when you doit your self....


oh yea and you want your juices fresh store them in the fridge oh yea and sugar!!!!!! but know i no about molasses!!!


No one mentioned compost? You call yourself organic growers?! lol. Seriously though, compost is the shit.
lol can you feed compost when the plants need a certain vitamin or carbohydrate? composte only get threw the plant at a certain time you have to think pk spike and other carbs when wanting to get swollen frosty nuggs.