Aloe works wonders, if used properly. The thing about aloe is once you've squeezed the gel out of it you only have a 15-20 minute period of time to use it before it becomes useless and loses all of it's properties.
You can in fact clone using nothing but aloe and you get some pretty vicious roots from it, but it takes quite a bit of work to accomplish. Personally, what I like to do is just get a bit of gel from an aloe leaf and mix it in with some water. I use that water to keep the root plugs moist, but still use cloning gel simply because I'd rather spend the ~$10 on rooting gel than spend the time getting the gel from the aloe, it's a total pain in the ass.
I recommend soaking the rooting plugs/rockwool in aloe infused water, but using cloning gel on the actual clones themselves. Then keep the plugs soaked with aloe water constantly. You'll have roots in 7-10 days, guaranteed.