Organic Cloning W/Aloe

Aloe works wonders, if used properly. The thing about aloe is once you've squeezed the gel out of it you only have a 15-20 minute period of time to use it before it becomes useless and loses all of it's properties.

You can in fact clone using nothing but aloe and you get some pretty vicious roots from it, but it takes quite a bit of work to accomplish. Personally, what I like to do is just get a bit of gel from an aloe leaf and mix it in with some water. I use that water to keep the root plugs moist, but still use cloning gel simply because I'd rather spend the ~$10 on rooting gel than spend the time getting the gel from the aloe, it's a total pain in the ass.

I recommend soaking the rooting plugs/rockwool in aloe infused water, but using cloning gel on the actual clones themselves. Then keep the plugs soaked with aloe water constantly. You'll have roots in 7-10 days, guaranteed.
I cut the aloe up and throw it in a blender... not very hard to get "gel" that way?
Cloning with aloe is NO harder then any other cloning. I do the exact same process to clone with aloe or clonex. If you shove the cut end of the clone into the cut aloe it gets covered in gel and works great.

Then when your done smush any left over gel out of the skin and mix it into the water you use for them, or I usually mix it and spray all my clones and veg plants with it.
i really need to get my clone game on point... I have a DIY aero cloner but I am NOT consistent ion my cloning... I have only run it 4 times or so but the last time 76% of my stems just turned to mush... I am following many things and hopefully once I am ready to clone the moms I currently have growing, I will be ready to NOT fuck up cloning this time lol

Here's wishing you better success cloning in the future!

Couple things that helped me get the aero cloning down...
Sometimes overheated or dirty water can cause an aero cloner to give poor results. Water can never be too clean and free of sprayer clogging debris.

I always found when I used my cloner it worked well for a cycle or two after a good cleaning of the pump, lines and sprayers too. I used a paper clip to clean the sprayers and soaked everything else real good, (hydrogen peroxide and soap and water) then ran fresh water with a couple of changes to make sure any cleaning residue was flushed out before starting a new cycle.

Also when putting your clones in, the more places they have to grow roots from the likelier they will. Think 45 degree cut AND some former leaf nodes that will become root openings if you put them in the spray mist.
Count me as one that uses aloe to clone. Cut aloe, cut clone, score bottom inch, insert into aloe, wait about 1 minute, remove then dip in myco, place clone in pre-moistened seedling soil, spray dome and place over top clone. Wait for growth!! Have about 99% success this way!! And all organic!!
I use aloe for clones as well. I found misting the plants with a low dose of P in the water helps feed the clones and gives them more fuel for root growth. as well as using aloe in the water for the peat pucks.
Here's wishing you better success cloning in the future!

Couple things that helped me get the aero cloning down...
Sometimes overheated or dirty water can cause an aero cloner to give poor results. Water can never be too clean and free of sprayer clogging debris.

I always found when I used my cloner it worked well for a cycle or two after a good cleaning of the pump, lines and sprayers too. I used a paper clip to clean the sprayers and soaked everything else real good, (hydrogen peroxide and soap and water) then ran fresh water with a couple of changes to make sure any cleaning residue was flushed out before starting a new cycle.

Also when putting your clones in, the more places they have to grow roots from the likelier they will. Think 45 degree cut AND some former leaf nodes that will become root openings if you put them in the spray mist.
Thanks for all the tips man!
these clones arent looking very good. My buddy gave me some superthrive, he swears it will fix any plant thats having problems. We'll see. I mixed 2 drops into 2 cups of water and sprayed the cubes until smells really strong. Hope it works.20190206_180450.jpg 20190206_180444.jpg
Despite what they looked like up top it seems they still rooted. I got curious and pulled one of the scouts out of the cube and sure enough it had a couple roots on it. Instead of trying to get it back in the cube i put it in a small pot of soil and we'll see if it makes it through.20190209_085229.jpg
Instead of trying to get it back in the cube i put it in a small pot of soil and we'll see if it makes it through.

You should be good with those roots, it will keep growing, when they get that amount of roots, I transfer them to soil, it may go into shock for the next couple of days being torn out of the cube, so give it a little misting on the leaves or put under a humidity dome.
yeah, having some problems for sure. I have only watered them 2 or 3 times now but maybe that was too much

I'm not sure how long you've had them, or how much water you gave them. But if you poured water over them you over watered them. Most people recommend dripping a tiny amount of water on them, or even just spraying the outside of the cube with a spray bottle so it's slightly moist.
I'm not sure how long you've had them, or how much water you gave them. But if you poured water over them you over watered them. Most people recommend dripping a tiny amount of water on them, or even just spraying the outside of the cube with a spray bottle so it's slightly moist.
they have been cut for 12 days now.i definitley over watered them then. Next round im going to try rapid rooters.i watched a video w/minnesota nice and mendo dope they use those and swear by them.20190209_120524.jpg
I love rapid rooters, I've been using them for years now! I couldn't get any this time, and I'm having to use coco plugs and I'm not super excited honestly. They work well, but rapid rooters are awesome.
I love rapid rooters, I've been using them for years now! I couldn't get any this time, and I'm having to use coco plugs and I'm not super excited honestly. They work well, but rapid rooters are awesome.
thats how im feeling about the rockwool, ive used it before and it works, but not super excited about the results.