I feel like i have to give my last two shits of a opinion before i stop clicking on this pointless thread.
i personally helped build a collective from scratch and know first hand the buisness and our products. Half our herb is grown organic (by me) and the other half is grown coco with cutting edge. The only time when someone chooses the coco cutting edge over my organics is when the patient would rather spend 15$ for two gram deal. Our organic herb is by far superior in every way, other then maybe at times organic nugs being a bit smaller(for now)
i really dont have to mention taste bcuz there really is no competition, its obvious, its straight foward. I think the only people that would choose chemicals over organic really dont kno what to look for when they are judgeing. Or these people are from places where they do not have
the luxury to become connisours like most of us here in california.
as for our cutting edge herb, well lets just say we just using up what we have left in those big ass plastic bottles before we switch to all organics