Organic Bagseed CFL Grow


Active Member

Alright, so I have had a couple grows, but none were successful. For those first two failures, I used Low Life Hindu Kush Autoflowering. The problem was that I used my own homemade compost, which is good for the garden, but not good in pots - it drained poorly. My plants continually died as seedling, except 5; 4 of which were male, the other a stunted female. I got a bowl pack out of it.


This time I'm growing bagseed, so that I can learn to get it right before dropping a lot of dough on dank seeds.

My Soil:
Biodynamic Organic Compost - really good compost with, amongst other things, granite dust composted into it for minerals.
Composted Bark
Green Sand
Bone Meal 6-9-0
SuperBat Budswell (guano + worm castings) 0-7-0
Composted Coconut Coir

CFL Lights:
Veg: 1-26W 6400K
Bloom: 1-42W 2700K, 1-60W 5000K
-I have a 105W 2700K on its way, with which I will replace the 60W 5000K. The 60W will go to the veg room.
- within 2-5 inches.
- two light hoods previously used as dark room safety lights meet at a 90 degree angle, with the right angle pointing up, so the plant gets light from sides.

Small Heater bringing in fresh air, but no out fan. Its starting to get pretty cold in the basement, so I lay a sleeping bag over the door of the grow cabinet(box?).

67-82F, ~45% Hum

Alaska Fish 5-1-1
Alaska Morbloom Fish 0-10-10
Super Bat Guano 0-7-0

I put 3 seeds in the soil, and two popped up. By the time I went to separate the two and transplant, their roots were interwoven. I just started their flower cycle a couple days ago, after leaving them in dark for a day. If I find out I have a male, I will cut the plant from a couple cm below the soil line, hopefully killing it. I am not afraid of the one plant's dying roots having adverse effects on the healthy one's, since in nature plants die around each other all the time. In living soil, plant matter is constantly being broken down. With healthy roots, I think the other plant would be fine. But if I'm wrong, then at least it would confirm to others that root rot is a force not to be reckoned with.

I will post pictures in a minute.


Active Member
I think my larger plant may be a male. If you look at the first 3 pics i posted, it looks like a little male preflower, but i guess i wont know for sure for a few days.


Active Member
The little one turned out to be the girl. I got a 105W 2700K bulb in there now, with a 42W beside it. I moved the 65W 5000K to an area for a Low Life mixed pack grow. I wasn't as careful as I should have been when I was moving lights and timers, so she kind of got two days of light straight before I noticed. Whoops. Here are some pictures of her progress...




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So i just figured out that it wasn't my fault my plant kept getting too much light. The shitty timer I bought keeps fucking up... for the fourth night in row its had too much light. I hope it doesn't hermi. Stupid Brinks piece of shit


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I got a better timer, so she's been gettin regular 12/12. I had to do a little tying down, which I know is bad to do during flower, but I didnt really have a choice cuz I was running out of space.

