ORGANACIDE anyone tried it?

my buddys plants are in week 5 of flowering and he has a mite infestation. he sprayed them all down with organacide today. will that work? or is it going to hurt the buds? and if this is the thing to do to them how many times should it be done to get ridda them?
wow i cant believe noone has ever tried this stuff i guess my buddys the first well maybe i will teach you guys a thing or two about after we get his results. i just would like to hear other people results but i guess noone ever tried it.
wow i cant believe noone has ever tried this stuff i guess my buddys the first well maybe i will teach you guys a thing or two about after we get his results. i just would like to hear other people results but i guess noone ever tried it.
Organicide will kill the hairs and cause taste issues. It's fine up to transition, but that is all. To kill mites in the bud cycle use a 2% solution of rosemary oil in distilled water. Use a fine mist sprayer and spray leaves top and bottom till dripping. This will kill adults, jouvs and eggs. I also like to spray the floor, soil and containers. This will give you 2-3 weeks before they come back if you spray really good. I find that a kill zone outside the grow area works best, with killing chemicals. I run a 10-15' kill zone around my grow area and I generally have to do one organicide spay before bud cycle and all is good. Banana kush is a strain that mites dont seem to like if you have mite problems in your area.
I've used Organicide. It makes my whole room smell like fish, but does work really well for powdery mildew. I would say to use mighty wash, to try to get rid of the mites. That stuff is proven to work well. Make sure to spray late in the light schedule. Keep doing it until the mites are gone.


OK here is a different idea i use in bud. rubbing alcohol, 50% mix for spider mites,spray heavy it evaporates immediately,but mites, larvae die.spray daily until you cant find any crawlers. for powdery i use i shot 28% peroxide per gallon water in a garden sprayer and pressure wash it until it disappears if done daily its gone in 4-5 days plants seem to love it. i have a light mover so i can spray with light on at normal height. you will have to raise light way up until dry to avoid burn.
neem oil, tree soap unperfumed,cassia bark finger tip size,garlic clove 2,Get yourself a 1lt spray btl fill with a litre off water crush garlic and cassia bark and a finger tip of tree soap, add toa pan of litre water and boil leave to cool add neem 2 tble spoons,mix well spray and wipe under leaves it worked great for me, Then bomb the room shut all doors and windowes this will kill any thing eles and mights then wipe down with good bug spray then the following day wipe with warm water, Ive done this NO more little fookers have been seen since.Dont forget this was my way and it worked for me. Oh and the weed still smoke great.