Actually, I was offered $1200. by a Southern Oregon dispensary. They wanted me to pay $100. for each sample tested. Also they wanted to establish a
"relationship" with me; that means a front.I'm not having it. I'll put it in the burn pile first! I established a "relationship with a couple of dispensaries in the Portland area in 2014. When I went to get paid I received several responses which included,
"I don't care what your receipt says," that guy doesn't work here anymore." Or my favorite
," He was not authorized to make purchases." They all know that until Mj is Federally legal all contracts are null and void, that includes patient grower contracts. I did go to a legit dispensary and had my stuff tested. They were nice folks and told me up front that they liked my numbers but they had plenty. Anyway, this is what test results are supposed to look like. If I can find the phony reports I'll post them. Oh yea, the phony report said my THC was 20%.LOL
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