Oregon voters overwhelmingly pass health care taxes


Well-Known Member
You think the people of Oregon don't think this is a big issue?

Kate Brown is absolutely right about protecting an endangered species. As that article lays out, those dams are going to have to go. We are investing in wind, solar and ocean wave power tech but it's not ready to compensate for hydro power and so a short term bump in fossil fuel might be necessary. Compared to permanent loss of native salmon runs? Have some perspective, once the salmon are gone, they are gone forever. We can work our way through the problems of delivering sustainable electrical power but we can't replace our native fish stocks once they are gone.
I'm extremely grateful for the politics of this state and people like you. Too bad that too many of my family and business associates are practically Limbaugh/Hannity/Trump supporters.


Well-Known Member
please elaborate this makes no sense, is it some kind of racial jest?

You literally sidestepped eveything there, in 2015 wyden was in praise of a 15% sub for canada as part of the tpp, meaning we would pay canada for their timber, which was reversed and currently supported by wyden, explain the flip flop, and in case of an incomplete answer lets bring out a donor list of timber companies when you reply......then explain, how wyden, blumenauer and defazio all backed a non listing of forest roads onto the clean water act, the 303d list, they said that congress made a decision already and they were under no obligatio to petition to change it...you can google and see whar BARK thinks of that decision....
Another sidestep by you in my opinion, since logging peaked in 1979 as an industry and mining well before that, why not explain how every major river in the state has at least one major violation of the 303d standards list, that non listing of logging roads and reversing course and adding those roads, but requiring logging companies to incur huge costs, would be a great course to reverse ware pollution...except it wasnt done and weyerhauser has the trio by the balls....

Funny because you know that Solyndra went broke and all before paying back its tax break, sanyo after 10 years in salem off hwy 20 closed in 2016. So why not mandate all new construction be 70% paaive retention tk begin with and rely less on an aging grid and would lower repair costs, not add to it....ironically about 10 years ago when they dismantled a huge radar station in christmas valley

But the subsidized health claim i question as simply hearsay, what directly led to that, some real numbers too please not hearsay, because you also side stepped the 300 million that cover oregon lost and how much of your claim is baed on oha/ cover oregon fiasco....

As far as the hog farming, another nice strawman, i am in the trimet area, and have worked for the likes of willamettemriverkeeper
Waterwatch of oregon
Columbia slough watershed council
Deschutes river conservancy

I was also a vet who attended college, who is a 4th gen logger in oregon or was....never raised hogs, dont like to see animals suffer

You have some great opinions but you severely lack in your data