Oregon homeless camp bill

Not saying all government is unwanted, just saying this help all utopian idea doesn't work. Covid lock downs showed everyone when humans can sit on their ass and collect easy money, they are all hypocrits. I know a bunch who milked it all out as long as possible. Same for the unemployment. Tons of workers milk out the unemployment as long as possible. That stuff just isn't right
You should read a essay by Peter Singer
Famine, Affluence, and Morality
one of the core arguments of this essay is that, if one can use one's wealth to reduce suffering—for example, by aiding famine relief efforts—without any significant reduction in the well-being of oneself or others, it is immoral not to do so. Singer introduces the "drowning child" argument or drowning child analogy: According to Singer, inaction is clearly immoral if a child is drowning in a shallow pond and someone can save it but chooses not to; nor does placing greater geographical distance between the person in need and the potential helper reduce the latter's moral obligations
Not saying all government is unwanted, just saying this help all utopian idea doesn't work. Covid lock downs showed everyone when humans can sit on their ass and collect easy money, they are all hypocrits. I know a bunch who milked it all out as long as possible. Same for the unemployment. Tons of workers milk out the unemployment as long as possible. That stuff just isn't right
You are posting off-topic and simply repeating right wing nonsense to derail the thread. I'll simply repeat what I said earlier. Republicans and other small government idealogues are hypocrites because they only want programs cut that they don't benefit them. Try to cut one of they like and they scream like little bratty kids. effin hypocrites is what they are. I won't reply to you again in this thread. You may have the last word.
Not saying all government is unwanted, just saying this help all utopian idea doesn't work. Covid lock downs showed everyone when humans can sit on their ass and collect easy money, they are all hypocrits. I know a bunch who milked it all out as long as possible. Same for the unemployment. Tons of workers milk out the unemployment as long as possible. That stuff just isn't right
Yeah a bunch of people milked it alright.

A bunch of wealthy people.

You know what would really help, if we had a world leader go out of their way to address the issue of housing, in the modern era.
Someone we could all look at, regardless of our own political affiliation, and actually respect them for their work in this area.
A leader that led by example, who always made the effort themselves first, before asking for others to join in and help.
It's just too bad that the person I'm speaking of has had their presidency sabotaged, and subsequent life's work ignored by the media, for the most part.
I don't like most politicians but the only one I've ever actually had some respect for was Jimmy Carter.
He stated that he always felt like "he let the country down" after losing to Reagan and having to sit back and watch what Reagan's administration did to the country.
What did Jimmy do in response, take up painting, and fade into obscurity?
No, he partnered with Habitat for Humanity, one of the biggest, and longest lasting, affordable housing projects ever.
He also personally worked on these projects, too.
Not all of them of course, but he wasn't just there for a one time photo op, either.
He knew volunteering his time to the project, and actually showing up in person, would draw considerably more volunteers, than just tacking his name onto the project.
So he was there pounding nails, and raising frames, with people that most folks of his status would have consider "beneath them".
Some of you may disagree, but I believe there is something very admirable, and noble, about Jimmy Carter's work in this area.
No, he partnered with Habitat for Humanity, one of the biggest, and longest lasting, affordable housing projects ever.
Nice post. And not only Habitat, but he worked world-wide, monitoring elections to insure fair
and democratic elections right at the polls. He wrote almost 40 books. The guy was serious about his role in the world.
Unlike Dumbya, who retired, wrote his $10M memoir, and painted his toenails in the shower, as implied by Bad Karma.

How do you get such ppl as Carter into office? Maybe remove this citizen/statesman role, and require a higher
standard from those who run for office. They can't just be some loud mouth ahole from the beer parlor (Hitler
analogy intended). They have to have a good education, they have to have worked in public service, they can't
have committed crimes, or been subject of several lawsuits. Lots of things that should be required of an individual
before he can step into the role as our leader at the local or national level, or mistakes will be made.
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I think they should start a government program and make a voluntary contribution system so that anyone who wants to can send in money and support some government built and operated facilities. This way, anyone who wants can help out and they can also feel secure their money is being spent and used wisely by the government. Anyone who doesn't want to help out, can just not send in anything. I would think those who care would end homelessness quickly this way.
Or earmark a wealth tax of say 1% on anyone earning over say 300,000 or so that goes exclusively towards building affordable housing. Just a thought! Not sure how to solve the issue but it shouldn’t be that hard if there was actually an effort.
Or earmark a wealth tax of say 1% on anyone earning over say 300,000 or so that goes exclusively towards building affordable housing. Just a thought! Not sure how to solve the issue but it shouldn’t be that hard if there was actually an effort.

Before Reaganomics it was a progressive tax that took a lot more from the very wealthy but now it's the fading middle class that bears most of the burden.

When I was a kid in the 50s - early 60s we survived very nicely on my dad's pay packet working at a meat packing plant. Nice suburban house on an acre, 2 cars, never a lack of food and savings in the bank. Once mom went back to a factory job we were freakin' rich in comparison to what two working adults with kids are these days.

Gee, what's causing the homeless crises? Could it be high rents and housing prices compared to wages? It seems such a mystery when all you have to do is start asking the homeless. Maybe the reason mental illness and drug addiction are blamed is to deflect from the simple truth that housing has become unaffordable for many people. If it wasn't for seniors housing, most of the homeless would-be old people thrown out onto the street. However, we can't change the taxation system because morons are conned by right wing media into fucking themselves and everybody else, because the brown people might get some too, "they are taking over", be afraid, be very afraid. They con the fools and serve the rich, "we will punish them for you by cutting social programs and taxes for the super wealthy". If they fucked themselves (as they always do), well in any war sacrifices have to be made, the warriors make them and kill the innocent too with collateral damage.

Wealth inequality obscenely wealthy and untaxed at one end of the spectrum and homeless on the other, but the middle ground is SOCIALISM, the ultimate evil! It's like that with guns too in America, one extreme minority controls the agenda and public policy completely. In America they don't even need to fool a majority, just fooling a minority will do and senators are for sale.

There will be no real answers from Murdoch owned media.

What is causing England's rural homelessness crisis?

782,629 views Mar 24, 2023 #skynews #homelessness #rural
Sky News can reveal that rural homelessness is growing rapidly with more than 20,000 people classified as homeless in rural England in the latest figures.

Many of them are out of sight and in desperate conditions, as Sky's Dan Whitehead found out.
I started working at 13 and n

I started working at n

No, that's not hypocrisy on my part, it's in line with my beliefs. I have never been unemployed since 13 and have never applied for any government assistance. Don't need it and would do anything I can to not need it. These things should be voluntary for people. Why not? BECAUSE NONE OF YOU WOULD SEND IN A DAMN THING!

I carry a jar of weed in the car to give to homeless people as long as they don't seem too crazy
Do members of the public continue to get to use those public places if they become permanent homeless camps? Would you (not any specific you) be comfortable taking you kid to play at the playground next to one that decides to set up near the monkey bars?

They don't take care of areas they camp in, tend to destroy them actually.
Do members of the public continue to get to use those public places if they become permanent homeless camps? Would you (not any specific you) be comfortable taking you kid to play at the playground next to one that decides to set up near the monkey bars?

They don't take care of areas they camp in, tend to destroy them actually.
You are talking about the complaints of affluent people with their own backyards. It does nothing to solve the problem of homelessness and these people should be allowed, even encouraged to move into the more affluent neighborhoods, where the problem is visible and in their faces. Take them away, is the simplest solution, remove them from my sight, simpler still are extermination camps where a "final solution" can be employed out of sight. For now, dump them in the inner cities, poor districts and middle-class neighborhoods. You will notice they don't last too long in the richer parts of town.

Maybe it's not the people living in the parks and woods are not the real problem, but a symptom of a bigger one? Perhaps we are missing the forest by focusing on the trees? Perhaps the real problem is wealth inequality and housing costs far out pacing wages? They are not all junkies and crazy people, most can't afford a place and with no place to live, it means no job and no bank account either. How are you supposed to pay a few thousand dollars a month for a small apartment on a $20/hr? Much less support a family. Why is everybody including governments broke or in debt, except for the billionaire class who are doing much better than ever?

Anybody who voted republican caused this problem and prevent its solution by being suckers for the super-rich. How long would they last if they occupied one of their several vacant mansions? How long would they last in a poor neighborhood or middle-class park?
You are talking about the complaints of affluent people with their own backyards. It does nothing to solve the problem of homelessness and these people should be allowed, even encouraged to move into the more affluent neighborhoods, where the problem is visible and in their faces. Take them away, is the simplest solution, remove them from my sight, simpler still are extermination camps where a "final solution" can be employed out of sight. For now, dump them in the inner cities, poor districts and middle-class neighborhoods. You will notice they don't last too long in the richer parts of town.

Maybe it's not the people living in the parks and woods are not the real problem, but a symptom of a bigger one? Perhaps we are missing the forest by focusing on the trees? Perhaps the real problem is wealth inequality and housing costs far out pacing wages? They are not all junkies and crazy people, most can't afford a place and with no place to live, it means no job and no bank account either. How are you supposed to pay a few thousand dollars a month for a small apartment on a $20/hr? Much less support a family. Why is everybody including governments broke or in debt, except for the billionaire class who are doing much better than ever?

Anybody who voted republican caused this problem and prevent its solution by being suckers for the super-rich. How long would they last if they occupied one of their several vacant mansions? How long would they last in a poor neighborhood or middle-class park?
What are you doing to help homeless people? You are very passionate about this sort of thing so I'm curious what actions you take.