Oregon Elite Seeds

Plus rep
if you have problems with me call me 5416065544 or come to my booth in VEGAS its up to you

Not sure how either of these will help with how disrespectful you were to me when I tried to order? Can you elaborate? Are you actually polite and act like you care in person or on the phone?
It seemed like valuable information to me. Perhaps @hydgrow you can repost the details and info in a more upbeat and cheery manner. I'm serious. mostly. I'm sure a compromise would seem to suck, but the info you posted is worthwhile info for anyone considering doing business w/ this guy.

I understand but am horrible at "make believe".

I dont remember cussing at Toby or any threats. Just sharing my experience and why I keep hating. Sunni has removed it 3 times from this thread over the 6 or so months since he was disrespectful and I posted about it here. So I need to act like a victim more? What would you suggest?
I understand but am horrible at "make believe".

I dont remember cussing at Toby or any threats. Just sharing my experience and why I keep hating. Sunni has removed it 3 times from this thread over the 6 or so months since he was disrespectful and I posted about it here. So I need to act like a victim more? What would you suggest?

put uncle in front of your name, seems to work :D
pretty sure im gonna head out to vegas for the cup... leaving the woman at home to take care of the plants and animals, dont think shes gonna be super excited about it! :bigjoint:
Wish I could go. No one to take care of my shit. Even if I did find someone I'd be worried I'd come home to find the garden like docs all wilted to shit and stressed way the fuck out. I'd be one friend shorter after that too lol. No one cares for my plants the way I do!
Wish I could go. No one to take care of my shit. Even if I did find someone I'd be worried I'd come home to find the garden like docs all wilted to shit and stressed way the fuck out. I'd be one friend shorter after that too lol. No one cares for my plants the way I do!
yup saw docs poor depleted plants.. thats what worries me...going away for a whole week in late april and already stressed about it. have more than a couple tents to take care of!
I understand but am horrible at "make believe".

I dont remember cussing at Toby or any threats. Just sharing my experience and why I keep hating. Sunni has removed it 3 times from this thread over the 6 or so months since he was disrespectful and I posted about it here. So I need to act like a victim more? What would you suggest?
you can hate all you want its your opinion. In fact if you feel that I have disrespected you then give me a call and let me know what I did wrong. to my knowledge I havnt been rude to anybody that has called me that's why I give my cell number. Call or continue to hate its up to you