Ordering seeds online


New Member
Hi everyone im new here! I was about to order some seeds from a new shop and figured id check it out on the net first! For starters i have ordered from attitude many times and seem to be getting more and more crappy seeds or not getting them at all even had one batch of 2 different strains and they were all hermies this year!Im fed up and im now looking for a new seedbank to buy from!I have checked out attitudes indevidual breeders websites but there all way more expensive then anything ive ever seen.ive also ordered from seedsman and the seeds were pale and cracked only like 15 germinated from 100.Now im looking at rastaseedbank they seem to be new but i can find nothing bad about them on google or bestseedbank.i want to order there sleestack and im really liking there months freebies.If anyone has had any problems let me know before i order :-S

I ordered from rasta seedbank i got my order in 6 days and they sent me a tracking number i ordered a 10 pack of white widow and they sent me 5 of there frozen widow free all the seeds germinated i was worried the first 2 days because it took them a little bit to get a tracking number to me and a response on a question i had but in the end i was really happy i ordered from them


New Member
yes but i wanted the freebies from rastaseedbank. i ordered almost right away after making this post couldnt help myself!im getting all 6 freebies 3 brand new unique strains :D i may be one of the first few to grow it!Ill keep you posted !+ these guys are from quebec canada and so am i so no confescations i think


Well-Known Member
Why not check out http://www.sanniesshop.com/.

I did an order with them last week, shipped next day and in my hands a week later. And you get a free five pack of seeds with your order. You won't have as many options as with a seedbank, but Sannie gets a lot of good feedback and the pricing is very reasonable...you could do worse I'm sure.


Yes Sannies is awesome, but dont forget to ck out Seedbay....lots of great beans you wont find anywhere else, esp love the private breeders and Server fund beans....some real gems to be found at cut rate prices PLUS the best freebies!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you don't want to go to a well-known established seedbank because they are expensive....

Let's see, if you only get 15 seeds to germ out of a 100 that means you are paying A LOT per viable seed.

Considering I have had about 95% germ rate from all my orders from Attitude, well, you go cheap, I will go legit.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone im new here! I was about to order some seeds from a new shop and figured id check it out on the net first! For starters i have ordered from attitude many times and seem to be getting more and more crappy seeds or not getting them at all even had one batch of 2 different strains and they were all hermies this year!

That was bad choices as far as breeder goes, nothing to do with the seedbank I'm afraid to say bro. They don't produce the seeds. They have them supplied by the breeders. They make that pretty clear on their site as do most.

But if you can buy local why even consider anything else? Support your local breeders that's awesome man.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone im new here! I was about to order some seeds from a new shop and figured id check it out on the net first! For starters i have ordered from attitude many times and seem to be getting more and more crappy seeds or not getting them at all even had one batch of 2 different strains and they were all hermies this year!Im fed up and im now looking for a new seedbank to buy from!I have checked out attitudes indevidual breeders websites but there all way more expensive then anything ive ever seen.ive also ordered from seedsman and the seeds were pale and cracked only like 15 germinated from 100.Now im looking at rastaseedbank they seem to be new but i can find nothing bad about them on google or bestseedbank.i want to order there sleestack and im really liking there months freebies.If anyone has had any problems let me know before i order :-S

I don't know who you went with for breeders but sounds to me like your having some trouble with either your room or technique. I mean 2 different strains and every one hermied sure you could have got seed from a shit breeder but I don't know you sound like a beginner. Not sure about seedsman but I imagine if you can only get 15 of 100 you may not be germinating the best way but again it could be very old stock especially if they weren't very popular strains.

But hows your room? how do you germinate? is there anything causing stress heat, over feeding, under feeding, light leaks, etc.


Well-Known Member
I just recently got in a decent size package from attitude with no issues what so ever, came fast and complete. Attitude is the only place I order my seeds from anymore


New Member
It was an auto strain for my outdoor summer grow from seedsman i have been growing for years!I KNOW HOW TO GERM BEANS.. lol srry but thats basic stuff lmao as for attitude i got bomb seeds cheesebomb and 8ball kush(cant remember breeder).all hermied and i was growing in a walk in with 5 gallon buckets hps and A.N nutes.Anyways i got my seeds from rastaseedbank turns out there a few towns away.The seeds are nice and healthy looking i ordered 10 grandaddy purple and 10 chiesel.They gave me 2 buddaboss 2 chicos cheese delight and 2 redneck g-13 free which i will be growing first!Ill let you guys know on germ rates and everything! Oh the seeds came well hidden i wont get into it as thats not really my business to tell everyone but i liked it.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone im new here! I was about to order some seeds from a new shop and figured id check it out on the net first! For starters i have ordered from attitude many times and seem to be getting more and more crappy seeds or not getting them at all even had one batch of 2 different strains and they were all hermies this year!Im fed up and im now looking for a new seedbank to buy from!I have checked out attitudes indevidual breeders websites but there all way more expensive then anything ive ever seen.ive also ordered from seedsman and the seeds were pale and cracked only like 15 germinated from 100.Now im looking at rastaseedbank they seem to be new but i can find nothing bad about them on google or bestseedbank.i want to order there sleestack and im really liking there months freebies.If anyone has had any problems let me know before i order :-S

The simple solution to your problem is do some research and pick a reputable breeder....

Attitudes job is to get the seeds to your front door, and since you got them they did their job well... Anything after that except for seed damage in shipping/handling is on the breeder or the grower...

Also attitude replaces bad seeds if you send them back to them...


New Member
seems to me alot of ppl are having problems with hermies at attitude they got em to my front door then dropped me like a dead fly.Seems they should drop the problemed breeders but they do not therefor i have switched banks thats all.so 3 of 6 have germed and its been around 20 hrs.... ill be back on in the morning to let you all know please stop with the attitude saviours they lost me for good!


New Member
The simple solution to your problem is do some research and pick a reputable breeder....

Attitudes job is to get the seeds to your front door, and since you got them they did their job well... Anything after that except for seed damage in shipping/handling is on the breeder or the grower...

Also attitude replaces bad seeds if you send them back to them...
I couldnt send back 4 foot plants now could i XD i did message them then they deleted my stuff i also asked if they were interested in the seeds and they didnt even bother responding or apolagizing


Active Member
My "Stealth" packaged order from Attitude was intercepted by US Customs. All seeds were removed and i was left with a $115 t-shirt. Not sure what's next, but I'm guessing a visit from the local lawman.