Ordering seeds online.. how does this sound?

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
I order seeds from the Attitude all the time I use my Cc
and adress I just spell my last name a little different always
get them no problem, hope everything works out for you !


im just nervous, sorry. im a first time buyer.
I'm a first time buyer as well.. I'm about to order seeds online for the first time and yeah I'm kinda nervous about it but it seems like pretty much everyone gets away with it so I'm gonna take the chance. I'm gonna order them on my cc and have them delivered to my house. Its the only option I have so let's see how it goes. Good luck on your ordering, though and dont be too nervous about it. Just go for it ;-)


Well-Known Member
I thought that was one of the main no no's of growing... never have shit sent to your Op? Oh well, sounds like no trouble. I to will be ordering for the first time. I live in a pretty secluded spot to so shouldn't be any problems.


Active Member
I ordered from Attitude on the 6th. Seeds were sent on the 8th and received today. Everything was just as scheduled. Dont trip. Best place is not your op, but if you have to, no big deal. Im in Cali though.