Ordering seeds from Herbie's

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
I am about to make an order for some seeds from Herbies. I have never ordered seeds before. Is there anything I should or shouldn't do when ordering? Im pretty set on Herbies, unless anyone recommends strongly against them. I am planning on ordering the following seeds and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on which breeder's house to buy from: Headband (cali connection or reserve privada?) Cinderella 99 (female or g13?) Trainwreck (green house or homegrown fantaseeds or Humboldt?). Thanks in advance for any and all advice!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Herbies is good. But I find myself going to attitude often. Just to let you know headband is a cut only clone. They just named it that. However their version is good. Same with green house. They named Thiers trainwreck. But its a clone only cut.

Some breeders use clone only names to sell their beans to noobs that don't know better. Go with Rare Dankness. Miss Rare Dankness is on this site and is quite active.


Well-Known Member
Herbies is great. I don't use there super stealth, don't think it's needed. Also I've "heard" lots of remarks about Cali Seeds going herme, haven't had any experience with them. Res. P. seeds have a good rep.


Well-Known Member
Herbies is great, i never used super stealth either and never had issues, Res p only hear great things!

Herbies is worth the extra IMO always legit

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I totally understand about the seed companies naming their strains after clone-only strains. As soon as I saw all the different OG's, I thought something was up. I know that they find the strains that made up those strains originally and cross them, select a perfect male and pollinate a true cloned female with them. I guess my question is... What breeders are best at doing this and which ones are just sticking names on bagseed? BTW... I just stumbled across a couple Headband clones like 2 hours ago out of the clear blue. so now I am looking for a good Cinderella 99, and Harlequin. Who does Cindy best and WHERE THE FUCK do I find Harli?


Well-Known Member
I do all my ordering from Herbies these days. I've only had one small mix up with them. Which in turn only made me think more of them as a seed bank because they fixed the problem no questions asked and even sent me some freebies along with it. For all they know I very well could have been pulling their chain. I personally would have told someone to go f*ck themselves. In doing so it completely surprised me and from then on I've been a loyal customer. Also sent 3 other people their way with their needs. And suggested it to several others. So who knows it could be more.
Point is Herbies is pretty damn solid and they'll take care of you.


Well-Known Member
I made 2 succesfull orders from herbies -problem free , - Cant wait to make a third

Althow I was not impressed with their stelth , but my packages came problem free, and in the end thats all that matters


Well-Known Member
Herbies is the best forgot to send me the freebies and they sent them and had them within the week also gave me free stealth shipping. Came as a little toy.