ordering from marijuana seeds canada


Active Member
do i have anything to worry about ordering from here with a credit card and it is to the adress i have my garden.
im ordering 2 seeds.
is the worst thing that could happen is customs takes it and sends me a letter?
and im in canada btw.


Active Member
im only looking to order a seed or 2 and attitude only has pack of seeds and i would have the same question with attitude i trust this site im just wondering if there is any risk.
ive heard alot of good reviews from marijuana seeds canada.


Well-Known Member
pick and mix on attitude. You can get single seeds just get them sent with a t-shirt, i have gotten 3 orders with the last being 50seeds all without problems and in 6-7 days.


Well-Known Member
I am in the US I ordered from Canada used my credit card and my real address and had no problems.


Yah, you should be fine. They usually send it with clothes, I've also seen it sent with beads. Only thing is worrying about if your actually receiving what you order...