Orange Spots/Stunted Growth. 3-4 weeks old. HELP! Trying hard to succeed!

Good Morning,

I have read through the majority of all the posts in the forums and I cant seem to pinpoint what the problem is. Many of the symptoms are associated with multiple issues so this is why i'm posting here. Also things to note is that i've left a small oscillating fan in the background. I have also had a small air purifier far away from the plants.

The plant on the left is about 4 weeks old and is under 3 40w CFL 2700k (8000 lumens) and 2 15W CFL 6500k. Potted in Miracle-gro organic soil with tiny amounts of blood and bone meal in the soil before i planted.

The plant on the right is about 3 weeks old and is under 3 40w CFL 2700k (8000 lumens) and 2 15W CFL 6500k.

I would love to hear a clear solution to the matter. I believe its underwatering as the soil is extremely dry most of the time so as i added about 3 cups the plant on the left starting coming up a bit but still drooping. It is important to note though that this did help the plant. So i think flushing may be a solution but not sure. Nutrient lock , yellow tips, lower brown leaves, orange marks on the younger plant but not really dieing. If you all need any information i can post historical pictures of them younger or give you any information right away. I am commited to having these live and flourish. Just need your help to do it. I would love some support from the community.

Thank you so much!

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Any suggestions comrads? Hopefully trying to fix early so I don't put my self back another month for harvest by having to grow more plants. Anything appreciated and will definitely +rep!


Well-Known Member
I've had the orange spots issue in the past, and in my research, I found that there can be numerous causes. I seem to remember the most common ones being magnesium deficiency or ph problems. I started using a bit of Calmag in my watering, and that helped out. If they're drooping, and you're thinking underwatering is an issue, then I'd guess that is also one of your problems. I usually water when just the top layer of soil dries out.
Would you say it would be safe to flush the soil I suppose? I have read around that it's best to flush the miracle-gro soil because of all its additives or what not. Or should I treat the plant with another fix?


Well-Known Member
I seem to remember the most common ones being magnesium deficiency or ph problems. I started using a bit of Calmag in my watering, and that helped out. If they're drooping, and you're thinking underwatering is an issue, then I'd guess that is also one of your problems. I usually water when just the top layer of soil dries out.
THIS is my guess aswell. I recently just got over a problem with a magnesium def. on one of my girls in flower. What I would do if I was you is furst off flush the plant, run 2 to 3 times the amount of water through the pot, that the pot can hold. And on the last one I'd add a tsp of epsom salt. That's what I did and it cured my problem! And epsom salt is way cheap and you can find it at any drug store. I got it from wallgreens. If you want to look at the plant I'm talking about just to compare, there are pix in my journal in my sig on page 8. It is the Strawberry Cough plant in the last 4 pix on that page. You can see her 'cured' pix on page 9.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the input HookdOnChronics +rep.

Anyways, I just went to Rite-Aid seconds after you posted that to get Epsom Salt. I was wondering though, how long should i wait in between flushes and how much water should I flush with?

They are in 5 gallon pots and the soil is pretty compact.

Thank you again and for the rest of the time I will actually turn this into a Grow Journal so from here on out I will be posting updates on the status of these ladies starting from now. Hopefully you all can help diagnose and help solve some of my issues and with my best intentions I hope others that have this problem may use this as a guide for quick treatment.


Well-Known Member
Good call getting that epsom salt right away! You do not have to wait between flushes at all! That sucks that they're in 5 gallon pots though..... Mine are in 2.5 gallon pots and I flushed with 4 gallons of tap water and on the 5th gallon I added the epsom salt. It took me 25 min just to flush my 2.5 gal pot with the 4 gallons of water, it's gotta be done though. So if I was you, I would flush with around 7 gallons of water (which is gonna suck to do BTW!) and then on the 8th gallon I'd add about 2 tsp or so of epsom salt and then just water with it. Then pretty much don't do anything for the next week and a half to 2 weeks. I have plants bigger than yours, in 1.5 gallon pots that I only water once every week and a half... So after the flush you won't need to water for a WHILE probably. Just use the ol 'lift the pot' technique and it's easy to tell when they need water.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Here's a little read on epsom salts if you need it:


Active Member
normaly to flush: take your gallon soil x 3 (for ex.: 2,5 gallon pot= flusch with 7,5 gallons)

if I can tip you: please,please pleazse take away the aluminium fole (the metal papers around the pot)
the plants gets refelcted light on the wrong place, just remove.
Because the bothom of the plant get the same light as above.
The humadity will be more in the bothem than on the top.
also after a while the plant grows near and NOT to the top. all leaves takes to the bothem where the metal foil is.
because the metal is closer there than the lamp on top. they will NOT grow further because of that.

just remove, flusch everything and be carefull with feeding the plants.
greets from HOLLAND!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Gotta say I agree with 'Dutch' aswell! Get that aluminum foil out of there. There is no need for light under the plant, as the bottom of the leaves do not photosynthasize (SP?) therefor it's doing nothing. BUT, side lighting can do some great things! Aluminum foil is just not the greatest idea because it is heat and electrically conductive. If you go to wallmart, or ace hardware or some placve like that, and look in the camping section you will see what is called a 'space blanket' It's about 3 dollars and it's made of mylar which is much MUCH better than tin foil! Just a little FYI. Flat white paint works well too! Just ditch the foil and you'll be better off! Promise!
Appreciate the input.

I will be flushing them out now soon. After I make the changes how long should I expect to wait before normal growth begins yet again.

Alright so I put my ladies through a wonderful 6 gallon flush with 1 gallon (with 1tsp Epsom Salt) last night and must I say... I just got back from work and they are looking 20x better then they did 18 hours ago when I flushed them. The leaves are perky and I can even smell the plant for the first time. A sweet and juicy aroma. I didn't know it would fix the problem this fast but wow thank you so much to you Dutchgrower and Hookdonchronics.

Below are the pictures as they are now. I'm going to continue uploading progress.

By the way, these are 2 SAD S1 (Sweet Afghani Delicious S1) plants. Seeds from Sweetseeds.

If anybody else could comment and make any other suggestions to how I can maximize yield there's much +rep to be given out. How much longer do you think I need to keep it in its vegetative state?

Thank you again!



Well-Known Member
how long you veg your plant is really a decision you have to make. You have to consider that the plant will grow 2-3 feet throughout its flower stage so if you have a high ceiling, or large tall growing space, it wouldnt really be a problem to veg a plant to two feet and grow a 5 foot plant, but if you have a small space its not a good idea, lol. I usually start flowering under my hps around 12 to 18 inches, then im set. Some people do lower , some higher. its all you.

how long you veg your plant is really a decision you have to make. You have to consider that the plant will grow 2-3 feet throughout its flower stage so if you have a high ceiling, or large tall growing space, it wouldnt really be a problem to veg a plant to two feet and grow a 5 foot plant, but if you have a small space its not a good idea, lol. I usually start flowering under my hps around 12 to 18 inches, then im set. Some people do lower , some higher. its all you.


Sounds good. I have about 5 feet exactly for ceiling space so you think perhaps it would start to flower at 14"? I'm aware of the pre-flowers but is there any other indication for the best time to flower? Perhaps the number of stems from the nodes or what not?

Problem is I just don't think if my plants look mature enough to start flowering. More suggestions and comments appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
Alright so I put my ladies through a wonderful 6 gallon flush with 1 gallon (with 1tsp Epsom Salt) last night and must I say... I just got back from work and they are looking 20x better then they did 18 hours ago when I flushed them. The leaves are perky and I can even smell the plant for the first time. A sweet and juicy aroma. I didn't know it would fix the problem this fast but wow thank you so much to you Dutchgrower and Hookdonchronics.

Below are the pictures as they are now. I'm going to continue uploading progress.

By the way, these are 2 SAD S1 (Sweet Afghani Delicious S1) plants. Seeds from Sweetseeds.

If anybody else could comment and make any other suggestions to how I can maximize yield there's much +rep to be given out. How much longer do you think I need to keep it in its vegetative state?

Thank you again!

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your welcome.....thats i'm here hehehe........(from holland)
Tell me: what lamp do you use?
how many weeks they are staying now? on this moment 18 or 12 hours?
pictures looks good, only REMOVE THE FOIL (GOLDREFLECTION)


Active Member
my excuses, what means: vegetative state? is that 18 hours light? (sorry i'm from holland) my englisch is not verry well!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dutchgrower, I actually am from Cambodia so naturally my English wasn't that well but studying in America will get you using some legitimate vocabulary! My Avatar is the main temple of my country.

Anyways, right now the lights I am using for each plant is:

3x 150w CFL 2700k/3000lumens(each)
2x 15w Flourescent Tubes 6500k

They are in their vegetative state so right now I am doing a 20/4 cycle (20 hours light / 4 hours dark)

The one on the left is 3 weeks old and the one on the right is 2 weeks old.