Orange Spots on leaves.

So I had an over watering issue which I have tried to sort the last couple of days by laying back on the water. This plant is 5/6 weeks old, Auto NL from RQS. Growing indoors in a tent, little to no nutes, 400w bulb. The plant had a shitty start to life due to my incompetence but recovered well in the following month. Was having a tough time this last week due to overwatering (always distilled water). Now I’m seeing these orange spots as of this morning. Growing in a mix of compost and perlite.

Any ideas? I literally am guessing how to do this as days go by, not a clue what I’m doing.



Well-Known Member
Calcium deficiency is my bet.

This site will help answer a lot of questions for you...
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Well-Known Member
Tough to see the colors with the grow light on, a natural light photo would help. But, like .smoke says, looks like calcium deficiency. Distilled water has no calcium where tap water usually has plenty (and cannabis needs Ca). Start using tap water if it's decent or add cal-mag (sometimes you need both tap water and some cal-mag).
Tough to see the colors with the grow light on, a natural light photo would help. But, like .smoke says, looks like calcium deficiency. Distilled water has no calcium where tap water usually has plenty (and cannabis needs Ca). Start using tap water if it's decent or add cal-mag (sometimes you need both tap water and some cal-mag).
thanks for all the replies folks, it’s a massive learning process to be honest. Here’s a couple of pics with the light off.


I would check to see how much Ca you're imparting in your feed / soil....looks like she's short on it. Good luck.
To be honest I’ve barely given any nutes and I was using distilled water but had overwatered and was waiting for her to dry out. Is it saveable at this point?
So I gave her a water this morning as I hadn’t watered in 4.5 days and the pot was light, small amount of nutes in tap water. She looks unhealthy though, hopefully she turns around. I also raised the light by a few inches.


She seems to have come back to life after her first decent feed. Should I pull off the leaves on the lower level that were showing ‘defected’?