Optimal design for a large scale medicinal grow?


Well-Known Member
If you were designing a large scale dream medicinal grow, what would be your optimal design? In percentages.


Did I miss any? First thread. Please be kind.

My own thoughts: Flower - 35, Veg -15, mothers - 15, drying - 5, prop - 15, P/P - 15




your gonna need a big spot to dry yer medicine properly.

big grow area = big dry area...makes sense?

Mothers are usually in the same room as clones.


Well-Known Member
Makes sense. Thanks for a response.

Not sure what the question about percentages is, but processing would be trimming, extracts, vaccum sealing.

One of the strange constraints in this particular case is that seeds can only be acquired once (no cuttings, no seed reorders). This seems like it would mean devoting more space to mothers and breeding area - edit - than normal.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what state you are talking about I guess. This state seems as if it will be required. Same thing with the one time seeds purchase.


Well-Known Member
US, Not far from you judging by your avatar. Yes. Stupid law. Very very stupid. I could go on but I won't until the actual rules come out. I expect when they do that 20% of any facility here will have have to be devoted to video surveillance room and state inspectors's activity lounges.

But it brings up another question. If you had one shot to order all the med seeds you would need to treat a state, What would they be?


Warehouses are entirely different.

Thats big boy status and a whole nother game.

anything about 8 lights no matter where I would consider a damn warehouse though. Anyone agree?


Active Member
Are you in the US, Uruguay, or somewhere else? Just curious; seem like odd requirements.
When I worked for a MMJ comp in CO we vac sealed all the product after it was broken down into various purchasable weights. The bulk was also packed into "turkey bags" and sealed. Never was it vacuumed though, just sealed.

If youre serious about setting up a large scale thing like this I have some insight on what other places have done behind the scenes but by no means can I set up a 100amp 240v breaker service and the like. There is too much to list but if you have specific questions I can maybe help.

Hope you have some change, the cooling system alone for these places is astronomically expensive.

Veg room and mothers. You can see the mothers on the right side in 15gal coco blends.

There was roughly 5 flower rooms that were fed from this veg area.



US, Not far from you judging by your avatar. Yes. Stupid law. Very very stupid. I could go on but I won't until the actual rules come out. I expect when they do that 20% of any facility here will have have to be devoted to video surveillance room and state inspectors's activity lounges.

But it brings up another question. If you had one shot to order all the med seeds you would need to treat a state, What would they be?
This depends on whether you are going to be breeding.

Not trying to be insulting but I hope you are partnered with an experienced grower. If plant count is not an issue then I would also get more room than you need - allowing for expansion.


Well-Known Member
Nice setup - to say the least. I've seen some amazing operations overseas and have some experience in them. But I live in sort of a vaccum over here.

Agree about the money. Thankfully not mine. Read on another thread that finding the money for these things is usually not the problem. That seems to be the case. Without going into detail, this is still in the hypothetical phase. Too soon to say if anything ever gets built. And too much has been made about the vaccum aspect. Don't know if that will be a real need. Judging from what is concrete so far, this thing would be subject to some draconian rules though. Some of them seem quite arbitrary.


Well-Known Member
This depends on whether you are going to be breeding.

Not trying to be insulting but I hope you are partnered with an experienced grower. If plant count is not an issue then I would also get more room than you need - allowing for expansion.
Certainly didn't intend on breeding. I believe those sorts of things are best left to those who excell in it. But from the looks of it, there's going to be a restriction on genetics. Hard to say whether that will be 'real' at this point.

I don't think actual floorspace will be an issue. Not these days.

And no offense taken. I hope I am too.:eek: