Optic Lighting Vero COBs updated

How does the intensity / par compare between Area 51 rw 150 or Area 51 W-90 cob Vero? I cant find any measurements for the cob vero 29. It seems the cob vero might have a bit more output than the rw . Watt for watt which one has more bang ?
Any info would really help , thanks !
How does the intensity / par compare between Area 51 rw 150 or Area 51 W-90 cob Vero? I cant find any measurements for the cob vero 29. It seems the cob vero might have a bit more output than the rw . Watt for watt which one has more bang ?
Any info would really help , thanks !

This will be interesting to know, especially when compared at directly center underneath vs. 12, 18, and 24 inches out from center... I suspect the COB will blow the RW away at center, but I would not be surprised if the RW doesn't have equal or more light towards the edges... but that's just me guessing.

EDIT - sorry, this should be in the Area 51 Thread, not here.

this chart really says a lot and confirms what I have seen in various grows. Especially those grows that make the effort to measure pfd at the top of the canopy.

Aim for a range of 500 to 1000 pfd At the top of the canopy, over the whole canopy.

If your canopy is thick go for 1000 or more. if the canopy is sparse with little shading go for the minimum.

oh btw Razh. net photosynthesis in terms of umoles/sec/area doesn't make sense to me, since one actually has to measure the rate of photosynthesis (such as O2 production). exactly what is "net photosynthesis" ?
studio monitors. (speakers) . When used in a real studio they don't last. When you record and mix a song. You listen at very high volumes so you can hear every part. It drove me crazy when we worked.with death metal bands. Especially when they wanted to record on tape. Those genolec cost 3k-8k per monitor. You can only deduct 50% of.that in taxes. Hence using m audio, krk, etc... For mastering its a completely different setup. Those monitors and speakers are ridiculous in price. Pyramix software and consoles are the best for mastering.
sorry but this respose doesnt make much sense to me. I am a mastering engineer for universal and monitors last as long as you keep them ime, thats why ns10s are still used. Optimum volume is 85db which isn't that loud. Ive worked in studios that work around 105db and still not ear damaging...genelecs are nice, but there are tons of better monitors out there. ie lipinski and b&w and focal.
I'm really torn between a plat p450 or an optics vero 250 for my new flower space... Both kick out 250 watts , are around 500$ And have similar advertised coverage area....any opinions would be appreciated!
Thanks for the input guys... The tent is 4x4... Hoping to at least to get a core coverage of 3x3 ... Looking to keep my cost around 500-600$

I don't believe any of the options so far provided would be enough for that space during flowering, maybe the CX300 could pull it off but at ~750$, thus exceeding your spending limit unfortunately.
Any of yall got a current discount code??i am going to buy a optic 400 watt maybe a go green 300 watt causei like the 6 lights but either one of those for sure!