Opium poppy


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah, me and my mate found a nice wild field growin near an actual medicinal poppy farm (run by the Australian (Tasmanian) Govt. We were only kids tho so we just smkoe the ooze coming out and got ripped.


Well-Known Member
Its just that weed is a very low priority. Opium? I mean, I don't know if they have forums for stuff like that. People would be getting busted left and right.


Well-Known Member
I am growing 1 plant for seeds, I am posting a grow log of the process if you are interested. It is in the Hallucinatory category.


Well-Known Member
oh, look at the "danish fllags", those are hella cool. looks like it's time to buy some more seeds. i have purples from last year but just one color makes for a boring garden.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with growing them. just don't scratch 'em. :blsmoke:
Actually it is illegal to grow them for any reason, but the law is for people trying to produce opium. You could probably walk out on probation or with a fine for growing them solely for their seeds. Every part of this plant is illegal in the US except for the seeds.


Well-Known Member
everyone told me otherwise. bastards. the risk i took. f*ck!! throwing my seeds away now....

Growing Opium Poppies
".....In the United States, the drug law does not discriminate between the opium poppy and opium itself. Therefore, when you grow opium poppies, you are liable to be charged with a felony for possession of Level II narcotics (which includes morphine, cocaine, and methamphetamine). You can be charged with a felony for possession whether you have one poppy or one hundred growing in your garden. However, it is highly unlikely that you will be charged by unknowingly growing opium poppies. There must be a certain degree of knowledge incorporated into the law. If you are unknowingly participating in illegal behavior, your defense is strong. However, if you knowingly grow opium poppies, regardless if you intend on harvesting them for opium, you have broken the law and may be at risk for severe penalties...."


Well-Known Member
i grow them in my garden, and harvested many many seeds.
so if i grow, and split the pod, will the stuff ooze out if i split it?. like the man in pakistan do it . do they collect, the stuff that has ozzed out. so if i did this, would the shit work?. or would you have to add somthing to the prosses to make opium. it cannot be that easy. can it?.


Well-Known Member
man I was planing on growing some next year.
And yes you cut the pod. elt it bleed out its resin, and this resin is opium, and just needs to be scraped off... the government is made up of nazis!!! I just wanted to make some poppy seed bagles!!! and muffins... mmmm muffins


Well-Known Member
man I was planing on growing some next year.
And yes you cut the pod. elt it bleed out its resin, and this resin is opium, and just needs to be scraped off... the government is made up of nazis!!! I just wanted to make some poppy seed bagles!!! and muffins... mmmm muffins
Start right now. I'm going to. If they get a couple inches tall b4 the freezing temps hit, they will go dormant throughout winter. Then when spring comes you'll already have a couple inch head start:mrgreen: