opions and answers to my questions!!!


what up folks! This is my second grow. I am using a hydrophonic system, with clay pellets as my medium. 6 very healthy white widow plants, and they are doing great! Right now they are on a 24/0 light schedual until they are ready to flower.. in which case I will switch them to the 12/12. Currently I am in week 3. They are about 4''. My question is how long do I have to go? I am only letting them get to about 2' or a little less to fill my grow box. Since they are grown indoors, how long will it take to flower after they reach my desired hieght? Ultimately, how long till I can enjoy the fruits of my labor?? lol!


Well-Known Member
flowering times are dependent on the strain. I don't look at how old my plants are, i wait till they're close to a certain height. For me thats around 15-18 inches tall (in veg under 24 hr) then i move em into the flower room. i did a lot (ice) from seed and found that my 12/12 from seed grows usually are around 3 feet tall. Usually takes between 8-12 weeks of total grow time. mine are the latter.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You veg them based on total avaliable height you have. basically an indca heavy plant will double in height in full flower a sativa heavy will triple or quadruple soo an indica thats flowered to 12 inches will get to about 2 feet at finish. A sativa heavy thats flowered to a foot tall will then finish in at 3 to 4 feet tall. Your widow is is a 60/40 sativa mix so figure it almost triple in height so if you veg it to a foot is will finish in that 2-3 foot height. For this strain figure 8 to 9 weeks total in 12/12 can vary a week plus or minus.


New Member
You veg them based on total avaliable height you have. basically an indca heavy plant will double in height in full flower a sativa heavy will triple or quadruple soo an indica thats flowered to 12 inches will get to about 2 feet at finish. A sativa heavy thats flowered to a foot tall will then finish in at 3 to 4 feet tall. Your widow is is a 60/40 sativa mix so figure it almost triple in height so if you veg it to a foot is will finish in that 2-3 foot height. For this strain figure 8 to 9 weeks total in 12/12 can vary a week plus or minus.
spot on info here. listen to what he says.


WOW!! thanks guys! so since my box is a little over 2' tall, then I would need to flower my girls at 1' so they don't outgrow the box? I had no idea they kept on growing while flowering!! so glad I posted.. there wouldn't have been room for my bud lol! yall rock! :hump:


New Member
if they get too tall in flower tie down the branches as you need to. you can just use string and tie it to the bottom of the pot or anything else.


Awsome guys thank! they bout 5" I start foilar fert and cuttin lights out for a few hours.. the bigger fan leaves look dry on one.. but they are doin great any suggestion if the leaves get burnt?


ok so after I cut off the drided leaves, my whole plant started to burn.. not the stalk or branches.. just most of the leaves except for one plant. I completely changes the water. no nutes got about 72 hours then I added the growing nutes. I was using a 24 light schedual, but since I started foliar spray I cut the lights out for 4 hours. And I accendentally added flowering nutes once, before the water change. the plants themselves are still green and look alive.. Im just worried about the leaves. what should I do? they are all gernerally 5"


I have two plants left with, still mostly green.. have been flowering for about 2 weeks. they haven't grown at all.. and show no signs of flowering.. my box is only 2 ft tall and if they were gonna double or triple in size I started flowering. as of now they show no signs of anything. the only thing I have noticed is the leaves are drooping and becoming less full and longer. there are some fox tails I think, if fox tails are the shoots coming out looking like they were gonna form leaves but didn't. should I throw these out and start over and let the next grow to a more reasonable height?? as I doubt I will get any usuable smoke off these two plants that by the way are still 5 inches tall?


Well-Known Member
with hydro foliar feeding is really not needed and can cause problems. nutes are so readily available. thismay be ur leaf problem


question - I just ordered auto seeds for my next grow.. planning on keeping them on a 20/4 light schedual. do I have to change the from the grow bulbs to the flowering bulbs??


Well-Known Member
IDK anything about autos, but to help answer your question about the WW, incase you choose to grow it again.
I grow my WW in 4" pots with hydroton, in a SOG. I find it best to veg them for one week before placing them in the flowering room. In my case, they finish around two feet tall. WW is a great strain, I have been growing it for years. I keep the water PPM around 500 in the veg room and 1000 in the flower room. I never foliar feed. I also only give vegging plants 18 hours of light.

You need to experiment and find what works for you. When I was starting out, I had to veg my SOG plants for three weeks to get any kind of yield out of them. Then I got better at growing and don't have to do that any more. More than likely, your watering times are probably not ideal. Again, this is something you are goiong to have to play around with. :leaf: