

Just wondering what you guys think of my little garden. Most of the plants are just over a month old with 3 different strains being Black Wine, Gods Kosher Breath and Hashberry.
For the first 2 weeks i thought they were doomed because of the shitty soil i used, but after transplanting them to some premium potting soil along with EWC & goat manure into solo cups.. they are far from dead now and would like to keep them this way.
Are these getting too big for the solo cups? I am going to put them in buckets as a final home for them i just haven't had much time to do so. I am open to productive criticism, this is my first year and want to make it a good one.
Thanks guys stay lit :weed:

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Sorry for the quality of the photos!
Yes your solo cups look ready for a transplant. That’s about the time I transplant. Especially if you have to water everyday then that’s a good sign the root system is filled up in there, chugging all the water.
Yes your solo cups look ready for a transplant. That’s about the time I transplant. Especially if you have to water everyday then that’s a good sign the root system is filled up in there, chugging all the water.
Should I do the same EWC & manure mixture for the buckets you think? Might also start a compost bin

Also for a base soil i was wondering if i could go with something cheap or if it will make a big difference. The soil i used at first was just some really rich stuff i thought would work good from the bush out back but it was killing them.
I don’t buy cheap soil. They have top soil at Lowe’s for cheap but I haven’t ever got myself to buy it. I pay about $12-$17 for 2 cubic feet of amended soil. I also amend it myself..t’s actually better to mix brands so you have a wide variety of amendments in the soil.
Have you heard of the COOTS soil recipe? I use that one. Look into that or Subcool Super Soil recipe.
Should I do the same EWC & manure mixture for the buckets you think? Might also start a compost bin

Also for a base soil i was wondering if i could go with something cheap or if it will make a big difference. The soil i used at first was just some really rich stuff i thought would work good from the bush out back but it was killing them.
Soil choice is incredibly important. It's best not to be cheap, although good soil isn't expensive. I pay $9.00 a bag for Fox Farms ocean forest. It's always worked for me, and I never have issues. Pick up your standard trifecta of nutrients and you'll be good for the season. I've used synthetics and organics. My preference was the roots organics grow and bloom along with a catalyst. Good luck.
One more thing i wanted to ask was how many people like to top their outdoor plants. just looking for personal preference.
One more thing i wanted to ask was how many people like to top their outdoor plants. just looking for personal preference.
I top mine repeatedly until I've achieved my desired look and structure. Just let them recover before you start topping again.
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