opiate withdrawl


New Member
hi everyone, im new to this website and am going through a VERY hard time with opiate withdrawals and looking at cannabis to help out. can anyone direct me to the right thread please? thank you
What up bro, after doing opiats n withdrawing i realize how harmless pot is wish i would have never straid from sweet mary.....anyway the pot does seem to help with the withdraw a good indica to help sleep at night and it helped me get my hunger back,.......glad to here you are getting back to livin bro.......
Heavy indicas will be the best flower the more potent to knock you out the better

Also I'd highly reccomend a strong oil, oil rigs can kinda be a relapse thing so I'd just find a nice source that has clean shatter,tardy or bidder or honey comb and find a nice indica oil and sativa and use then at ther respective times and needs,

Put oil on top of your flowers

Oil helped me stay sober , as well as take away body pains and fatigue
I've went thru withdrawals so many times ive lost count, and my best remedy is taking bong hits of some Ghani and after I get a little appetite I make some edibles with oil I make and bud butter, gives u a much better body buzz that helps the tension and anxiety in ur body and and Definetly helps you sleep , it's helps me a lot especially while ur endorphins start firing back up because that's the main reason u withdraw, opiates produce a synthetic euphoria of endorphins so ur brain stops and after u quit eating them they've got to start producing on their own again!! Stick with it bro, n a few days you'll feel a lot better, the key is to not give in to the cravings cause even tho another pill or whatever would help u feel better it's only temporary and then your right back where you started , weening down helps as well
When every fibre of your being is screaming for opiates there's only so much that any non opiate can do....
However, Valium is great to relax those 'kicking' limbs.
Any decent weed can lighten the mood and make the withdrawals more bearable - just.
But don't attempt to knock yourself out with ANYTHING!.
Nothing brings sleep during cold turkey - NOTHING!
And, getting absolutely stoned on sleepers, tranq's, alcohol or pretty much anything can simply lower your self control and disinhibit you.

Accept you're going to feel pretty bad and get virtually no deep sleep, smoke a little to 'take the edge off' but never, ever try and to get so wasted that you do not feel the turkey.
It always ends in failure or worse.

Good luck.
barbiturates are extremely habit forming, my anxiety attacks lasted about 4 months after cold turkey quitting, but i refrained from prescription use as it often leads to complicity and continued relapse

the sooner your body re balances itself the better it aint gonna be fun, but you will get through it

but weed naps help
take nothing struggle through it or youll find yourself back in a slippery slope
I found edibles worked best, not that they helped all that much. They got me through patches a couple times and sometimes helped with sleep. If you must with any script meds, Valium helped me a lot. Make absolutely sure you don't become dependant on that though, it's a bitch to withdraw from. If you do use Valium just use it for the worst times and space it out between doses. Hang in there it will be over soon, unless your getting off Methadone- that shit takes months. GL.
see a doctor.

dotn see a doctor, they will try to sell you some more drugs

you dont need drugs right now you need peace and quite away from influence and temptation

doctors dont give a shit

they are snakes and charlatans if you ask me, if you need a real doctor go to a good ER
seriously though..... suboxones semutex...

more addictive them herion

seriously just deal with a week of shit

cold turkey i ahd my life back in 6 months

methadone or sub's will prolong your recovery by years

and give you false hope in another chemical to fix your imbalance that only you can fix

please please please

do it without prescription help
Have you heard of the thomas recipe? It sounds right I tried parts of it & I tried some sativa.I could not feel better but I had been on them over 20 years. I was tired taking pills,I had an accident that was hard hit.I couldn't find anything that helped and I FEEL for ya.Maybe you haven't been taking them so long and it will be easier for you.The Dr said he could not control my BP and I needed to take them by then I was glad to hear it and gave up being pill free.GL you gonna need NA.
yea I'm with impman. I had to go into rehab because I couldn't quit by myself and couldn't fight any longer.
Spent years doing the program and cut out everything. Before I turkied myself a good few times and the only thing that made me feel any better was either a real hot or real cold shower depending on the symptoms. Switched to many other different drugs in an attempt to escape the most harmful ones but ended up being addicted to everything I took to get off the one before. Its a vicious circle bro. Throw in the towel and go to meetings and fight to stay sober.
Good luck
I was up to 150 mg methadone a day I worked down to 10 mg and colded it the rest of the way. I found if I lied on my stomach and shook my feet it helped with the symptoms for some reason. I guess just except its gonna hurt like hell when your ready to quit but keep in mind after 36 hrs the intense withdrawals will subside gradually day by day. Your still gonna feel off for months but it's tolerable if you really want off that shite. You can call it prolonging(methadone/subs) but I thought of it as giving my mind time to heal from just not shooting anything in my arm. Once that was done I was like well shoot I don't want methadone either anymore. Plus on a methadone program or something similar they give you counseling which I feel is a must for recovery. We as addicts need to make sense of some things, having a person to help you back to sanity is a great tool to have! I still say hi to mine from time to time, he became my friend someone who wouldn't judge no matter what I was going through.
