Opiate withdrawl home remedies


Well-Known Member
5-HTP and a light benzodiazapene like xanax, ativan, or valium is a HUGE help, just don't trade one evil for another. Marijuana can add to the anxiety but it's other benefits outweigh that possibility. If you can force yourself to do something active you will not regret it. Frequent and frantic masturbation in the confines of your dwelling may help as well. You may want to get a girl friend or a fleshlight. Good Luck, you can do it. You can do it all night.
Valium is just as evil and from my expereince in rehab most people say along with Methadone its the worst rattle. Mine lasted 3 weeks before my arms stopped twitching and I could sleep without waking up wet from sweat. So what Im saying is I have experience of valium addiction and its not good, leave it alone and go cold turkey form pharms. I found smoking hash worked wonders and staying with my beautiful friend who is a holistic therapist and reiki healer. Indian head massage and a spliff helped loads. Good luck and stay strong.


Well-Known Member
I remember when i could not go a day without drinking.I couldn't imagine a life without it.But i quit,got sick of always ending up in the same shit.They say if ya keep on doing what you've always done,youll keep on getting what you've always got.If i can quit booze i can quit this,I just cant do it right now.It is an exercise in suffering to just drive my car!!!!


Well-Known Member
the most effective way to get off the opiates is to try SUBOXONE. you will not get high because of its partial agonist properties yet you will not have any withdrawls. works 100% effective NO BULLSHIT GUARUNTEED. go to your doctor tell him you been hooked on heroin and you are trying to get off and you heard of SUBOXONE and you want to initiate treatment. IT WORKS LIKE A MIRACLE. no need for further advice fellas.

happy 2009!!!!
Bull shit. Suboxone will get you high for the first couple of weeks you take it. After that, its compairable to just taking a Multi Vitamin every day. Except these multi Vitimas are expensive and if you don't have them, you can expect some severe WD's. So your choices are: Get the suboxone and live as an opiate dependent person for the rest of your short life. Or you could get off the dope and become a Real Person again, who doesn't have to be dependent on anything.

I was on Heroin for 10 years and Suboxone for 4. It won't lie, it helped me kick the Heroin Habit and rebuild my life some what. The time came to get off the suboxone and the WD's were far worse than the Heroin, like 5 times as bad and lasted for almost 3 full weeks. I have been opiate free for many years and Glad to say it.
Order some Poppie Pods from Ebay. They starve off the WD's great and when it's time to stop taking the Pods, It's a piece of cake to Kick.

good luck, PM me I can help you get through this if you choose to do the right thing. There is no need to live as an Addict anymore.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I remember when i could not go a day without drinking.I couldn't imagine a life without it.But i quit,got sick of always ending up in the same shit.They say if ya keep on doing what you've always done,youll keep on getting what you've always got.If i can quit booze i can quit this,I just cant do it right now.It is an exercise in suffering to just drive my car!!!!
I know you former pain Hydro.. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
don't just read a post and do it. we expect you to educate yourself with advice given. we are just pointing him in the direction of help. there is a less than 21 day detox using suboxone. why in the hell would you need to stay on it 4 years. (your intentional preference). heroin dont take 4 years to kick. you are suppose to take suboxone then in 3 days to 5 days start lowering your dose every other day. by 21 days your (doc) or drug of choice) "opiates" will be out of your system and by then your suboxone dose is so low that you walk off of it without heavy wd. please educate yourself before starting any treatment plan.


Well-Known Member
suboxone is harder to come off of than the pills. i know i have been on it for 3 years.:fire:
Really? Thats too bad. My friends brother has been using them to help him out when trying to get clean. Although he keeps falling into his old habits. I have been doing some research regarding Iboga and its therapeutic uses to try and help him. Although its not something that is easily done because ibogaine is quite powerful and not something to just fuck around with. But it is a natural remedy that I would suggest you look into. Get the book 'Iboga, the visionary root of african shamanism.


Well-Known Member
i have been trying to get off suboxone for a while now. the withdrawal is like hell. i soon will be done with them but it is hard. i will check the iboga out. i can say suboxone got me off oxys and i havent really done any opiates since suboxone, but i cant completely quit the sub. i hope all who have problems with this stuff eventually succeed.


Well-Known Member
don't just read a post and do it. we expect you to educate yourself with advice given. we are just pointing him in the direction of help. there is a less than 21 day detox using suboxone. why in the hell would you need to stay on it 4 years. (your intentional preference). heroin dont take 4 years to kick. you are suppose to take suboxone then in 3 days to 5 days start lowering your dose every other day. by 21 days your (doc) or drug of choice) "opiates" will be out of your system and by then your suboxone dose is so low that you walk off of it without heavy wd. please educate yourself before starting any treatment plan.
I could write a book about the Horrors of Suboxone Treatment. I have researched the pro's and con's for to many years to count. First things first,
4 years isn't uncommon for a Suboxone user. Its used many ways. Suboxone is used as both a Withdrawel Aid for Detox (but more likely your going to be given Subutex instead of Suboxone or just plain old Buprenorphine hydrochloride in a detox) Subutex Only contains the Bupe and not the Naltrexone (This prevents Shooting up the Drug)
And as a Long Term Maintainence program, similar to Methadone. Only, unlike Methadone the patient gets a full months supply to take home each time they visit thier doctor. It has a much better success rate then methadone but it also comes with a much worse withdrawel. Jumping off of Suboxone at even .5mg (standerd dose is between 8-24mg) had practicly the same WD as if you had jumpped off at 8 or 16mg.
Check out all my friends at this website Heroin-detox.com Check the Buprenorphine forum it will tell you all you need to know about Suboxone.
Believe me it's hard to find somthing nice said about it.
I'm not saying your wrong, but why trade on Addiction for another. Opiate WD will be gone in a few days, your only prolonging it by taking suboxone.

But hey, you can listen to this guy and fuck you life up even more. No offence Alladen..........:wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
i have been trying to get off suboxone for a while now. the withdrawal is like hell. i soon will be done with them but it is hard. i will check the iboga out. i can say suboxone got me off oxys and i havent really done any opiates since suboxone, but i cant completely quit the sub. i hope all who have problems with this stuff eventually succeed.
Best of luck to you.. I wish I had some pointers other then It'll get worse before it gets better. But when it does get better, Life couldn't be better. Stay strong for that first month, It'll get better everyday after that. Took me a full year to feel great, but after a month I felt good enough to fully function and enjoy life, without the emotional fog it causes.