OK, well i've managed to borrow a keyboard so I can reply to your posts everyone! Basically my housemate managed to spill a 3 Litre bottle of my plant feed mix on my desk, which has completely fucked my keyboard. Oh well, shit happens and it gave me an excuse to get a nice new PIMP one.
Aside from keyborad shennanigans, the weed! Well, I have of course dealt with the tester buds from the quick cure and the water cure. The water cure is MUCH smoother, no doubt about it. Strength wise I couldn't really tell between. Taste and smell, the water cured is much milder in both, could be too mild for some. This does however mean that when smoked in a pipe or a chillum it is amazingly easy to take a monster hit without choking. The smoke is kinds blue too, which is just an interesting side point. The pic posted above was taken on my amazing new camera with a spangly new zoom lens, more of them to come!
The water curing method I used was to put the fresh buds in a jar full of filtered water, with no lid, in a cool cupboard, and change the water once a day for 7 days. Then I dried it out by putting it on a tray in my computer case. It comes out looking quite dark, not very green, and the crystals are very pronounced. There is much less smell too. It's very simple but it makes a gorgeous smoke.
But to conclude, the weed is lovely, strong, smooth, the best i've tasted in these parts for a long while. Water curing is awesome, but if you're growing to sell then don't bother, because unless you're selling to a connoiseur, they'll think it looks shitty and doesn't taste like weed should. That and you get less weight out. I now water cure all my weed for personal consumption.
Hope this helps, and look out for more pics soon!