Operation FIX MY LAWN

Do I need a machine to aereate? or is there a roller thingy?

If you want proper aeration you need to use a plug cutter type machine twice a year , the roller type aerators don't work very well & you won't see great results , they cost about $50 to rent a good plug cutter , all golf courses use aerators to keep the lawn from compacting ,it's the secret behind beautiful lawns because you thatch all dead material at the same time you run the aerator .

We have our lawn done in the spring & in the fall at this house & the lawn is all ways perfect , at our other house they won't aerate because of lots of tree roots close to the surface & that lawn all ways has issues with brown out like yours does .

This is what it looks like when done right .

P.S. I have seeded the other side of my lawn with great success. Turn over soil, remove roots of dead grass, lay seed, rake into dirt and water once a day for 2-3 weeks.

Very labor intensive. Not that I mind so much, but husband wants me to ask you guys anyways.

if your bottom picture is the area you reseeded, i'd say you did a good job so just do it again. Is the top area a cut thru with a lot of foot traffic? Some way to keep people off it for a while? like RB and Buck said don't cut short and keep watered. Best kind of aerator you rent and removes plugs from lawn.
That DR lawn aerator would burn up trying to aerate the ground out here.

Shit reminds me of that scene from Pet Sematary where the shovel gives off sparks when he tries to dig the hole for the cat.
lawns are so strange when you think about it, grass ones that is

someone buys a plot of land with lots of trees and high grasses to develop houses

cut down all the trees and high grass

plant new grass that you need to constantly water, cut and sometimes treat with chemicals

repeat forever

the suburbs truly are a cancer
lawns are so strange when you think about it, grass ones that is

someone buys a plot of land with lots of trees and high grasses to develop houses

cut down all the trees and high grass

plant new grass that you need to constantly water, cut and sometimes treat with chemicals

repeat forever

the suburbs truly are a cancer

All that save nature stuff is great but nature will fuck you up , ever lived on 20 acres & let the natural grass get 3 ft high & close in around your home ?

Tall grasses bring feild rats & mice by the truck load , big biting ass bugs all over the place & mosquitos biting the hell out of you , theres reasons that shits chopped down so people can live there without rodents & insects .
I let about half of my lawn become somewhat prairie. I rotate areas that I keep long, noticed how wild turkey and deer like the long grass. Unfortunately there are a lot of mice and moles that i set the cats loose on but those pests are ever present.
All that save nature stuff is great but nature will fuck you up , ever lived on 20 acres & let the natural grass get 3 ft high & close in around your home ?

Tall grasses bring feild rats & mice by the truck load , big biting ass bugs all over the place & mosquitos biting the hell out of you , theres reasons that shits chopped down so people can live there without rodents & insects .
yes I have lived in a home a larger plot of land then that. Vast majority of it was woods but there was plenty of waist high grass around the home. I guess it all depends what area of the world you live in but I would argue the environmental impact of chemical runoff, wasted water and fuel to maintain a lawn fetish North Americans are obsessed with outweigh the hassle of having to deal with a few small animals that are easily managed with proper research and resources.
yes I have lived in a home a larger plot of land then that. Vast majority of it was woods but there was plenty of waist high grass around the home. I guess it all depends what area of the world you live in but I would argue the environmental impact of chemical runoff, wasted water and fuel to maintain a lawn fetish North Americans are obsessed with outweigh the hassle of having to deal with a few small animals that are easily managed with proper research and resources.

Im in Michigan , any heavy agricultural state you get feild rats, not just a few but thousands & you cant keep them out .

Large city's cause much more harm to the environment than suburbs or country life .
Im in Michigan , any heavy agricultural state you get feild rats, not just a few but thousands & you cant keep them out .

Large city's cause much more harm to the environment than suburbs or country life .

Well yeah, but how much damage per person? Cities might have the effect of concentrating the filth in one small area. This might leave the fields and the streams in between for fishies and animules.

Too many peoples. More and more every day.
Don't it suck when you think you are walking on a recently core-aerated lawn and it ends up just being Canada Goose shit? This happened to me a lot. Now I don't trust them. They're deceptive.

Those geese make such a mess.

It's always covered around school and parks. Ick.