Opensource Cannabis Database grow journal


Active Member

So basically I'm trying to make a project for school that bridges data science and grow journals? Just a python dashboard that allows you to read sensor data or csv data and apply some computer vision tasks as well. Its a work in progress for sure but I will have more time to work on it here shortly.

So say you wanna document how you grew your stuff. You have different indicators such as yield, ph, ec/ppm, npk levels, soil monster, etc. These can be put into data tables and stored as recipes if you will. Eventually im gonna have a forecast plugin that allows you to predict plant growth and nutrient deficiencies in real time.

The hopes is that if you have found the holy grail of nutrient schedules for gorilla glue #4 that you can share it with the world and the rest of us can compare results. I felt github is the best place for this kinda thing because you can push your updated data to the server immediately and everyone else can have access to it in real time so we can have this sorta hive mind pot growing action going on.
I like this idea, and I hate this idea.

It is great to be able to help new growers, or even experienced guys on a new strain. To have a data base that anyone can go into and follow a recipe to get great flower is amazing and fantastic.

I also think this is part of what ruins growing for regular people. This are getting way too techy for a random grower who just wants to throw some seeds in the dirt. It also takes away and learning or understanding of the plants and why they need what and when.

Overall, great idea, good project. But I am a luddite and would not ever use this project. I am positive, MILLIONS of growers would in the future though, especially people trying new strains or first grows.

Good luck, don't let grumpy people like me talk you out of this, its a good idea!

Edit: Some questions I have.

1) Is this like wikipedia, can ANYONE mess update? Or can only you change your data?
2) Any way to communicate with fellow members to ask ? about their methods
3) I almost think you should start a new forum that runs this program, but focus it more towards data and science sets. Current forums are filled with people who "have seen this or that" and "know everything" but its often hard to validate. A science based weed forum where hard data rules the roost is appealing.
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1) basically anyone can download the data base and use the code freely, if they want to update the data base, they have to send something in called a merge request. This request is sent to an admin who can verify the data and push it forward. the data is stored locally but updates can be pushed or downloaded.
2) Currently its just a bunch of scripts thrown together to help with my school work in horticulture but I am wanting to make it an official form and website once stage 2 of the project is finished. I am creating this into a small app that encompases everything into a moderate easy to use thing but right now its desktop based till the unity 3D portion is finished.
Sounds like you are on track and doing things right. Keep it up!!

The forum is hard for sure, especially to get any traffic at first. Maybe with the maturation of your original project a side forum would naturally develop. You are doubly smart for recognizing it might not be the time to add more to your plate, a lot of young people try to expand or add too much too soon (I know as I did it alot myself) and loose sight of their foundations and original goals.

I wish you luck and hopefully some smarter members than myself can help you with ideas or provoke some thought.