Opening a Medical Marijuana Patient ID Center?


Well-Known Member
I know that the bay area counties in California have a county-wide ID system for medical marijuana users. In my particular county, we don't have a medical marijuana cooperative, nor dispensaries, but we have several medical marijuana delivery services available. We also do not have a patient ID card service in this particular county. I was wondering what measures must be taken to start a system to have a county ID card service.

My example, is Oakland Cannabis Buyer's Cooperative. They have a private membership fee of $40 dollars, and it basically verifies your status as a patient should you run into law enforcement troubles. I was wondering if anybody could start a cannabis cooperative that issues ID cards to patients?

Can anybody help me here??


Well-Known Member
Oaklands card is NOT going to keep you out of trouble. the county cards are issued by the county office.


Well-Known Member
Why won't Oakland's card be valid? Could be more specific?
you can't just start an ID service. backed by who? these are federal laws we are playing with. i'd stick with the county card. if your county doesn't offer one then i can almost be certain they won't recognize a private one.

cop: "son, you have 2 ounces of high grade here."

son: "oh, here's my Oakland buyers card."

cop "sorry to bother you, have a nice day."

maybe in Oakland. i doubt to many other places. the county cards are issued out of a state data base located in Sacramento. you are anonymous but it is all centered at one statewide location. highway patrol, cops, park rangers, ....... anyone with onboard internet can access the info and verify the patient. i don't think private cards would work like this. i could be wrong.


stays relevant.
Yeah, here in Los Angeles they don't care if you're from Oakland or Santas Workshop. Each county that has an ID program usually runs it through their health services dept. and each card is backed by the county and state for authenticity.

In otherwords, "Oakland Buyers Card" means as much as your Safeway Rewards card. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I used to go through OCBC like 4 years ago but haven't lately... I was thinking about getting it because it makes buying marijuana in the cannabis clubs easy, especially in the Bay Area... It's like instant verification, you know..

I think I'll still get my OCBC card when I have the money.

Well thanks for your input guys.


Active Member
The Oakland Card is a waste of time and money. If you don't have a recommendation yet but are valid for one, I'd suggest Medicann, if the doctor feels you would benefit from cannabis, you would also get Medicann card which the cops can confirm 24 hours, regardless of county. Alot of bay area clubs accept medicann, I've had no problems with it.


Well-Known Member
I already use medicann. I was going to get the Oakland Card because it is easier to use the Bay Area cannabis clubs with that card. If you have your medicann paperwork, they will usually have to verify your paperwork first before you can even see the counter--where they have the several ounces of weed and edibles!

The Oakland card won't get you out of trouble by itself, but if you have a doctor's recommendation, the OCBC card is just for convenience. For example, a few years ago a cop came to my house for some stupid reason ("domestic disturbance"), and he noticed my lovely budding marijuana plant. He yelled at me and told me it was "going to get me into trouble." Then he left because he couldn't take my plant and had no good reason to be there. My proof was my OCBC card.


Active Member
Yeah, the problem with the Oakland Cannabis Card is that it's a gimmick for the people running it to make money. You need a doctor's recommendation to get it. So they're not in the practice of diagnosing patients. So what's the fuckin point of that card?

I remember when it first came out, alot dispensaries in the bay required the Oakland Cannabis Card, why? I would guess the dispensaries were getting a cut of Oakland Cannabis Card profits.

Honestly I'm not sure what is needed to create such a money-making organization, I guess you would need doctors but sorry I don't have the specific answer you're looking for.

Medicann is good enough, if you can't wait for a confirmation or call them before going.....then well I don't know what to tell you. Stop fiending.


Well-Known Member
You would just need to run a place exactly like medicann. They have actual doctors, you'd need one, who does exams and evaluates patient medical history to determine legitimate reason that qualifies and issues a card like medicann which states on the back that it meets the state requirements because it is a representation of a medical prescription. (or reccomendation or whatever)

It's every bit as legal as a state card or county or whatever in cali, where their only requirement is that you have a valid doctors reccomendation for cannabas.

Key differences are that people with a card like above can still get their shit confiscated and spend a night in jail before the popo realizes they have to let you go. Meaning your car is already towed if it was a traffic stop, and you've been assraped already by your cellmate for the night bubba... Or your plants are already destroyed and your dogs already dead if it was a home invasion...And you're assraped.

But be assured your charges will be dropped though, so rest easy.


Well-Known Member
Medicann is good enough, if you can't wait for a confirmation or call them before going.....then well I don't know what to tell you. Stop fiending.
First of all, I'm not a dope fiend, and I don't appreciate your disrespect just because you're sitting safely behind the computer screen on the internet. If you understood anything, you would know that it has nothing to do with fiending. Just who the fuck do you think you are to be so critical of me? I have to commute like 40 miles to the nearest cannabis club. To have to wait for verification is not convenient. Maybe you shouldn't be such a dick to people, got it??

And yeah OregonMeds, I know exactly what you mean about how the police fuck with legal medical marijuana patients. My friend was raided and charged with manufacturing methamphetamine. The police's logic: they found his hash-making equipment and stuck him with a false charge. They knew he would beat the charge but not get out of the "ride", if you know what I mean.


Active Member
I live 3 hours from the nearest dispensary. So I know about wait times. People live right there in the bay and can't wait. I guess. I went to a Berkeley dispensary once, and they turned me away. Im not judging anyone, peace.


Well-Known Member
I live 3 hours from the nearest dispensary. So I know about wait times. People live right there in the bay and can't wait. I guess. I went to a Berkeley dispensary once, and they turned me away. Im not judging anyone, peace.
So I guess you can understand the benefit of having your shit pre-verified with the cannabis club before you go. That way they won't turn you away.


Well-Known Member
how do you get "pre-verified"? every club i've ever walked into needs you there oin person. they want your id, they want you to fill out paperwork, ....... i have never heard of "pre-verified".


Well-Known Member
how do you get "pre-verified"? every club i've ever walked into needs you there oin person. they want your id, they want you to fill out paperwork, ....... i have never heard of "pre-verified".
Harborside Health Center on Embarcadero in Oakland will pre-verify your paperwork. They did it for me. If you call them, give them your patient ID number, and all the other information they need, they can verify you over the phone. When you go to Harborside, they will ask for your ID and medicann paperwork. If you don't do a pre-verification, they'll make you wait while they call up medicann and verify you.


Well-Known Member
Harborside Health Center on Embarcadero in Oakland will pre-verify your paperwork. They did it for me. If you call them, give them your patient ID number, and all the other information they need, they can verify you over the phone. When you go to Harborside, they will ask for your ID and medicann paperwork. If you don't do a pre-verification, they'll make you wait while they call up medicann and verify you.
it takes 5 mins to call medicann. lol


Well-Known Member
it takes 5 mins to call medicann. lol
haha yeah i know... but there could always be some crazy circumstance that could lead to the medicann verification NOT taking 5 minutes. how likely is it? not that likely, but it's good to have piece of mind when traveling such a distance you know man??


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i know... but there could always be some crazy circumstance that could lead to the medicann verification NOT taking 5 minutes. how likely is it? not that likely, but it's good to have piece of mind when traveling such a distance you know man??
i hear ya. good to know info. bongsmiliebongsmilie