Opened tent during dark period for flowering, light exposure.


Well-Known Member
Okay so say flowering lights are on from 1am until 1pm. At 3pm after my light turned off 2 hours ago for flowering I opened the tent to spray pesticides. The plants got minimum light for 5 mins from regular basement lights (20 wat CFL), but are not completely dark? Is opening the tent for 5 mins a problem?
They will be just fine. In my honest opinion people freak out way too much about exposing plants very small amounts of light for short times to plants during the dark periods of the grow cycle. Think about it, plants in their natural environment are exposed to ambient light from the moon and stars. Like full moon nights where is bright enough to see across a large field and my plants turn out JUUUSSTT fine. So no worries friend. Take a deep breath and happy growing.
Thanks, I wasn't worried. I just wanted more opinions from experts.. Also outside plants get light exposed by passing car lights if by the road.
Get a green LED headlamp. They are great for when you have to work during the dark period.
Okay so say flowering lights are on from 1am until 1pm. At 3pm after my light turned off 2 hours ago for flowering I opened the tent to spray pesticides. The plants got minimum light for 5 mins from regular basement lights (20 wat CFL), but are not completely dark? Is opening the tent for 5 mins a problem?
It's best to have lights off from 12am to 12pm
They will be fine. You shouldn't allow light during the dark period but it's unlikely to cause any issues after that 5 minute period. I'd spray after the lights go out and close up the tent vs opening it during the dark period.
The plant doesn't care what time dark period is. Who ever is putting that advice out does not know how to grow.
People have lights on during they night because of electric billings, heat, schedule to have time in the garden, and stealth.
If lights are on at noon. The garden heats up with the outside temperature.
Light is heat. Why run a heater at the hottest point of the ..if heat is an issue. Even in the winter. The coldest point is at night. Why not run the light then to save on heating.
The plant doesn't care what time dark period is. Who ever is putting that advice out does not know how to grow.
People have lights on during they night because of electric billings, heat, schedule to have time in the garden, and stealth.
If lights are on at noon. The garden heats up with the outside temperature.
Light is heat. Why run a heater at the hottest point of the ..if heat is an issue. Even in the winter. The coldest point is at night. Why not run the light then to save on heating.
It's best to have lights off from 12am to 12pm
I think you guys are sll dum troll nubes I was just throwing out suggestions. I personally do 10am to 10 pm never heard that there is a energy saving aspect to it. Also if I have to clean or go into the tent its the best time to do so. And heat shouldn't be an issue if you are doing thins right.
Some people get off peak billing where rates per kWh drops for the evening. The other benefit to running at night is you aren't combating the daytime heat.

I run on flip and so I have a daytime room and a night room. The night room is a lot easier to cool.
I think you guys are sll dum troll nubes I was just throwing out suggestions. I personally do 10am to 10 pm never heard that there is a energy saving aspect to it. Also if I have to clean or go into the tent its the best time to do so. And heat shouldn't be an issue if you are doing thins right.
I think there is a lot of misinformation out there. Some of it has to do with people "throwing out suggestions". So you suggest something that you don't even do? Then others take it as fact and think they are doing something wrong. Instead worry about the real factors. The OP asked about lights during dark period. Not what magic time of dark period.
OP. Plant problems are chronic. If you had a bright light on every night during dark period. That would be a problem. Five minutes once is not going to do anything. Its good to use a green light. Just be careful. Some green lights are just white bulbs with a green coating. The plant will still be able to see these lights
I think you guys are sll dum troll nubes I was just throwing out suggestions. I personally do 10am to 10 pm never heard that there is a energy saving aspect to it. Also if I have to clean or go into the tent its the best time to do so. And heat shouldn't be an issue if you are doing thins right.

You "suggest" the "best" time to run lights.........and everyone else are nubes.

There is no such thing as "the best time" to run lights.What is better for you is not better for the next guy.It's a personal preference.There for "the best" is null and void.When something is "the best" that would mean across the board to me.Some thing can't be the best unless it works the same every where for every one.Indoor growing doesn't work that way.
They will be just fine. In my honest opinion people freak out way too much about exposing plants very small amounts of light for short times to plants during the dark periods of the grow cycle. Think about it, plants in their natural environment are exposed to ambient light from the moon and stars. Like full moon nights where is bright enough to see across a large field and my plants turn out JUUUSSTT fine. So no worries friend. Take a deep breath and happy growing.
Your post should be plastered across Google!!!. You ate verry correct
1.) You can open your damn tent (dot for long or often, but to check something uhhh yeah no problem
2.) If you do have a light leak or a "little issue" long as you start you plants with it, all thru veg, don't change anything, switch to flower. To you plants, that's not a light leak. To your plants? THAT is their normal lights off, darkness.

big misconception about light leaks....plants outside?? They don't get 100% darkness.
it's not the light leak itself, it's a NEW light leak theyre responding too. And guys we all strive for 100% total darkness. What we should be doing is minimizing, controlling the darkness you have.